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Clipped on: 2016-12-06

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Loading data into PostgreSQL http://pgloader.io
Common Lisp Groff Makefile Other
build Add a bundle distribution. 10 months ago
bundle Improve pgloader bundle distribution. 4 months ago
conf Update the VM setup, use sid to build the debian package. 2 years ago
debian Prepare release 3.3.2. 3 days ago
docs Fix Advanced Howto for Geolite. 23 days ago
src Back to development mode. 2 days ago
test Fix corner case in creating indexes again. 16 days ago
.dockerignore Implement a Dockerfile. 11 months ago
.gitignore Review website material, introduce pgloader cli operations. 2 years ago
.travis.yml add the postgres debian ppa key in the correct way (#406) 7 months ago
Dockerfile Improve the Dockerfile and the versioning. 11 months ago
Dockerfile.ccl Add a CCL dockerfile. 8 months ago
INSTALL.md Easier install by detecting SBCL core-compression. 11 months ago
Makefile Prepare release 3.3.2. 3 days ago
README.md Easier install by detecting SBCL core-compression. 11 months ago
TODO.md Fixed typos 2 years ago
Vagrantfile Allow pgloader to work on windows. 2 years ago
bootstrap-centos.sh Update bootstrap CentOS scripts (#424) 6 months ago
bootstrap-centos7.sh Update scripts to reference freetds-devel. a month ago
bootstrap-debian.sh Update scripts to reference freetds-devel. a month ago
pgloader.1 Improve docs for connection strings. 3 days ago
pgloader.1.md Improve docs for connection strings. 3 days ago
pgloader.asd Rename web/ into docs/ 4 months ago
pgloader.lisp Cleanup. 2 years ago
pgloader.spec Fix incorrect dates in specfile 2 years ago



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pgloader is a data loading tool for PostgreSQL, using the  COPY  command.

Its main advantage over just using  COPY  or  \copy , and over using a Foreign Data Wrapper, is its transaction behaviour, where pgloader will keep a separate file of rejected data, but continue trying to  copy  good data in your database.

The default PostgreSQL behaviour is transactional, which means that any erroneous line in the input data (file or remote database) will stop the entire bulk load for the table.

pgloader also implements data reformatting, a typical example of that being the transformation of MySQL datestamps  0000-00-00  and  0000-00-00 00:00:00  to PostgreSQL  NULL  value (because our calendar never had a year zero).


pgloader version 1.x is quite old and was developed in  TCL . When faced with maintaining that code, the new emerging development team (hi!) picked  python  instead because that made sense at the time. So pgloader version 2.x was written in python.

The current version of pgloader is the 3.x series, which is written in Common Lisp for better development flexibility, runtime performance, and support of real threading.

The versioning is now following the Emacs model, where any X.0 release number means you're using a development version (alpha, beta, or release candidate). The next stable versions are going to be  3.1  then  3.2  etc.

When using a development snapshot rather than a released version the version number includes the git hash (in its abbreviated form):

  •  pgloader version "3.0.99" 

    Release candidate 9 for pgloader version 3.1, with a git tag named  v3.0.99  so that it's easy to checkout the same sources as the released code.

  •  pgloader version "3.0.fecae2c" 

    Development snapshot again git hash  fecae2c . It's possible to have the same sources on another setup with using the git command  git checkout fecae2c .

  •  pgloader version "3.1.0" 

    Stable release.


pgloader is available under The PostgreSQL Licence.


You can install pgloader directly from apt.postgresql.org and from official debian repositories, see packages.debian.org/pgloader.

normal$ apt-get install pgloader

You can also use a docker image for pgloader at https://hub.docker.com/r/dimitri/pgloader/:

normal$ docker pull dimitri/pgloader
$ docker run --rm --name pgloader dimitri/pgloader:latest pgloader --version
$ docker run --rm --name pgloader dimitri/pgloader:latest pgloader --help

Build from sources

pgloader is now a Common Lisp program, tested using the SBCL (>= 1.1.14) and Clozure CL implementations with Quicklisp.

normal$ apt-get install sbcl unzip libsqlite3-dev make curl gawk freetds-dev libzip-dev
$ cd /path/to/pgloader
$ make pgloader
$ ./build/bin/pgloader --help

When building from sources, you should always build from the current git HEAD as it's basically the only source that is managed in a way to ensure it builds aginst current set of dependencies versions.

More options when building from source

The  Makefile  target  pgloader  knows how to produce a Self Contained Binary file for pgloader, found at  ./build/bin/pgloader :

normal$ make pgloader

By default, the  Makefile  uses SBCL to compile your binary image, though it's possible to build using CCL.

normal$ make CL=ccl pgloader

If using  SBCL  and it supports core compression, the make process will use it to generate a smaller binary. To force disabling core compression, you may use:

normal$ make COMPRESS_CORE=no pgloader

The  --compress-core  is unique to SBCL, so not used when  CC  is different from the  sbcl  value.

You can also tweak the default amount of memory that the  pgloader  image will allow itself using when running through your data (don't ask for more than your current RAM tho):

normal$ make DYNSIZE=8192 pgloader

The  make pgloader  command when successful outputs a  ./build/bin/pgloader  file for you to use.


You can either give a command file to pgloader or run it all from the command line, see the pgloader quick start on http://pgloader.io for more details.

normal$ ./build/bin/pgloader --help
$ ./build/bin/pgloader <file.load>

For example, for a full migration from SQLite:

normal$ createdb newdb
$ pgloader ./test/sqlite/sqlite.db postgresql:///newdb

Or for a full migration from MySQL, including schema definition (tables, indexes, foreign keys, comments) and parallel loading of the corrected data:

normal$ createdb pagila
$ pgloader mysql://user@localhost/sakila postgresql:///pagila

See the documentation file  pgloader.1.md  for details. You can compile that file into a manual page or an HTML page thanks to the  ronn  application:

normal$ apt-get install ruby-ronn
$ make docs