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Retrieving a stack trace on request
AUTHOR: Charles Duffy
Touch the referenced file when you want to dump a stack trace for all running threads to stderr
# add in WSGI handler run by uwsgi import sys import os.path stack_dump_file = '/tmp/stack-dump-trigger' ## given as an example; put this somewhere better than /tmp uwsgi_signal_number = 17 ## nothing magic about this number; just can't conflict with ## other uwsgi signals you define try: import uwsgi import threading if not os.path.exists(stack_dump_file): open(stack_dump_file, 'w') def thread_dump(dummy_signum): print >>sys.stderr, "### BEGIN THREAD DUMP" thread_names = dict([(t.ident, t.name) for t in threading.enumerate()]) for threadId, stack in sys._current_frames().items(): print >>sys.stderr, "\n# ThreadID: %s (%s)" % (threadId, thread_names.get(threadId, 'NO_NAME_AVAILABLE')) for filename, lineno, name, line in traceback.extract_stack(stack): print >>sys.stderr, 'File: "%s", line %d, in %s' % (filename, lineno, name) if line: print >>sys.stderr, " %s" % (line.strip()) print >>sys.stderr, "### END THREAD DUMP" uwsgi.register_signal(uwsgi_signal_number, 'workers', thread_dump) uwsgi.add_file_monitor(uwsgi_signal_number, stack_dump_file) print >>sys.stderr, "Listening for stack dump requests via %r" % (stack_dump_file,) except ImportError: print >>sys.stderr, "Not running under uwsgi; unable to configure stack dump trigger" except IOError: print >>sys.stderr, "IOError creating stack dump trigger %r" % (stack_dump_file,)
Attaching a python shell to a running instance
AUTHOR: Yaniv Aknin
Call INTERACT() in your code whenever you want to interrupt execution and working in a python shell
class RestoredStandardInputContext(object): def __enter__(self): self.backup_stdin = os.dup(sys.stdin.fileno()) os.dup2(sys.stdout.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) def __exit__(self, error_type, error, traceback): os.dup2(self.backup_stdin, sys.stdin.fileno()) def interact(locals=None, plain=False): with RestoredStandardInputContext(): code.interact(local=locals or inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals) __builtins__['INTERACT'] = interact
uWSGI + django autoreload mode
AUTHOR: Simone Federici
if you don't want lose the django auto reload by runserver command register this simple reload method
import uwsgi from uwsgidecorators import timer from django.utils import autoreload @timer(3) def change_code_gracefull_reload(sig): if autoreload.code_changed(): uwsgi.reload()
now if you change your code it will be reloaded
Multi site system on single django project with uwsgi
AUTHOR: Roman Koblov
Here is uWSGI Upstart script for ubuntu server:
description "uWSGI starter" start on (local-filesystems and runlevel [2345]) stop on runlevel [016] respawn exec /usr/local/bin/uwsgi --uid penpen \ -s -M -p 2 --reload-os-env \ --logto /home/penpen/logs/biribiri/uwsgi_log \ -H /home/penpen/biribiri/virtualenv \ --pythonpath /home/penpen --vhost --vhost-host
This script uses uWSGI virtual hosting mode, which allows multiple wsgi apps in single interpreter (unlike emperor mode, which uses interpreter per app (or site)). It is necessary to use “—reload-os-env” option, which passes environment variable through UWSGI_SETENV parameter. In this installation nginx passes current site name in uwsgi, which loads settings from module named as biribiri.hosts.SITE_NAME. For production use, it would be a nice idea to check if file exists and use default settings for non-existant sites. I use DJANGO_HOST instead of DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE because in current installation it overrides somewhere. Nginx config:
server { listen 80 default; server_name biribiri; root /home/penpen/biribiri; location / { uwsgi_pass; uwsgi_param UWSGI_MODULE biribiri.production.wsgi; uwsgi_param UWSGI_SETENV DJANGO_HOST=biribiri.hosts.$http_host; include uwsgi_params; } }
wsgi.py connector for django (in biribiri.production.wsgi):
import os import sys path = '/home/penpen/biribiri' if path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(path) os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = os.environ['DJANGO_HOST'].replace('.ru', '') import django.core.handlers.wsgi application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
In the above code snippet we are going to remove TLD from site name, because python modules don’t allow dot in their names.
A middleware for rewriting django urls for app mounted under subdirs in cherokee
from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler djangoapp = WSGIHandler() def application(e, sr): e['PATH_INFO'] = "%s%s" % (e['SCRIPT_NAME'], e['PATH_INFO']) e['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '' return djangoapp(e, sr)
Monitor multiple files and send a reload on changes
from uwsgidecorators import * filemon('/tmp/foo')(uwsgi.reload) filemon('/tmp/foo2')(uwsgi.reload) filemon('/tmp/foo3')(uwsgi.reload) filemon('/tmp/foo4')(uwsgi.reload) filemon('/tmp/foo5')(uwsgi.reload)
Using screen to re-attach to a running uWSGI pyshell (1.0-dev)
create a session named uwsgi000 with a psyshell in it
screen -dmS uwsgi000 ./uwsgi --pyshell -p 8 -M --module welcome -s :3031
get the list of sessions
screen -ls
re-attach to a session:
screen -r uwsgi000
Zerg dance to test new code and fallback to the old one in case of emergency (uWSGI 1.0)
ZergMode is born to allows easy tuning of the number of workers, but you will find it very useful for other scopes too, like testing:
Start a uwsgi instance with the zerg server enabled
[uwsgi] socket = master = true processes = 8 wsgi-file = /var/www/mywsgiapp.wsgi zerg-server = /tmp/mainzerg-server.socket pidfile = maininstance.pid
After a bit of time, you would want to put new code in production. Even if you are a guru of test-driven development, shit will always happens, so you will leave the old instance running.
The first step is running a second instance as a zerg client
[uwsgi] master = true processes = 8 wsgi-file = /var/www/mywsgiapp.wsgi zerg = /tmp/mainzerg-server.socket pidfile = secondinstance.pid zerg-server = /tmp/secondzerg-server.socket
(check the zerg-server option available even in the second instance. This is needed when the new instance will became the old one [that's the Zerg dance]) now the instances will both respond to requests. This is not what we want, so the next step is "pausing" the old instance:
uwsgi --pause maininstance.pid
Now the new instance is the only active one but....
SHIT a bug showed on our production site !!!
do not worry...
simply resume the old app
uwsgi --resume maininstance.pid
and stop the new one
uwsgi --stop secondinstance.pid
Now you are ready for bug-hunting again...
As usual, the first things to do is to check the logs. This implies:
- the web server log, which will indicate if it couldn't connect to the uWSGI process,
- the uWSGI log, which will indicate if an exception was thrown.
Typical gotchas:
- If the socket is a file, the Web server process should have read, write and execute permissions on the socket file. The --chmod-socket option can do it.
- In some cases, for instance if uWSGI was started without --vacuum or killed with SIGKILL, it won't remove the socket and pidfile when it is interrupted. It is safe to remove them manually (by the way, uWSGI will overwrite them on
next spawn)
- uWSGI can start the process on the foreground, this will make errors easily visible to the system administrator.
FastRouter performance tips
AUTHOR: Łukasz Mierzwa
If you are using nginx->fastrouter setup and both nginx and fastrouter are running on the same host you should connect nginx to fastrouter using file socket instead of tcp, using tcp will add more unnecessary load to tcp stack. So in nginx configuration use
uwsgi_pass unix:///var/run/uwsgi.socket;
instead of IP:PORT
and edit fastrouter config tu use:
fastrouter = /var/run/uwsgi.socket
When you want to handle high number of connections/requests you may need to tweak some linux sysctl settings, most important seems to be
- net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog
- net.core.somaxconn
look at http://agiletesting.blogspot.com/2009/03/haproxy-and-apache-performance-tuning.html for details.
Running the Sentry server via uWSGI
By default the sentry server is executed in a dedicated http server (normally gunicorn). You can run it direcly in uWSGI too:
pip install sentry sentry init /foo/bar/sentry.conf
now edit /foo/bar/sentry.conf for your db setup and add this line on the top:
from sentry.conf.server import *
finally use this config file
[uwsgi] ; choose the socket and protocol you need ; here we use the http protocol, but you can proxy it via uwsgi protocol as well http-socket = :9090 ; map the sentry config to a virtual module pymodule-alias = my_sentry_conf=/foo/bar/sentry.conf ; use the virtual module as the django settings module env = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=my_sentry_conf ; load sentry module = sentry.wsgi ; spawn the master and 4 processes master = true processes = 4
pay attention to the pymodue-alias directive, it will allows you (via module aliasing) to map a raw file to a python module.
Always use absolute path names for the sentry config files (it is not strictly required, but will avoid mess with system files)
Profiling/tracing python apps
There are (starting from 1.2-dev) two profilers/tracers for python embedded in uWSGI. To enable one of them use
--profiler pycall
to enable tracing of function (c and python) calls
--profiler pyline
to enable tracing of each line of your code
The reported time deltas are in microseconds
Sharing virtualenv with your app and cron tasks
This blog posts made me think about it
[uwsgi] ; our socket and basic concurrency setup ... socket = :3031 master = true processes = 4 ; our django app chdir = /var/www/app0 module = wsgi ; our virtualenv virtualenv = /var/www/envs/001 ; and our cron task every day at 2:59 using our virtualenv ; the cron tasks run from the specified chdir (the django app dir) cron = 59 2 -1 -1 -1 %(virtualenv)/bin/python manage.py runmyfunnytask
Testing Python Modules That Use uwsgidecorators
When you execute code outside the uwsgi (for testing perhaps) importing the uwsgidecorator modules fails because uwsgi can't be imported. So, define your own decorators in that case. For example:
try: from uwsgidecorators import * except: def postfork(f): return f @postfork def initialize(): ...
Author: Marco in http://osdir.com/ml/python-wsgi-uwsgi-general/2012-05/msg00064.html