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sh 1.11 — sh 1.11 documentation

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Tags: python bash shell command-line shell-scripting automation sh amoffat.github.io
Clipped on: 2015-08-18

sh 1.11

sh (previously pbs) is a full-fledged subprocess interface for Python that allows you to call any program as if it were a function:

from sh import ifconfig


wlan0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00
        inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
        inet6 addr: ffff::ffff:ffff:ffff:fff/64 Scope:Link
        RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
        TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
        collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
        RX bytes:0 (0 GB)  TX bytes:0 (0 GB)

More examples:

# checkout master branch

# print(the contents of this directory

# get the longest line of this file
longest_line = wc(__file__, "-L")

Note that these aren’t Python functions, these are running the binary commands on your system dynamically by resolving your $PATH, much like Bash does. In this way, all the programs on your system are easily available to you from within Python.

To install:

pip install sh

Follow it on Github: http://github.com/amoffat/sh

Basic Features

Command execution

Commands are called just like functions. They may be executed on the sh namespace, or imported directly from sh:

import sh

# same thing as above
from sh import ls

For commands that have dashes in their names, for example /usr/bin/google-chrome, substitute the dash for an underscore:

import sh


For commands with more exotic characters in their names, like ., or if you just don’t like the “magic”-ness of dynamic lookups, you may use sh’s Command wrapper and pass in the command name or the absolute path of the executable:

import sh
run = sh.Command("/home/amoffat/run.sh") # Absolute path
lscmd = sh.Command("ls")  # Absolute path not needed

Multiple arguments

Commands that take multiple arguments, need to be invoked using separate string for each argument rather than single string for all the arguments together. One might expect the following to work, the way it works in *nix shell, but it doesn’t:

from sh import tar
tar("cvf /tmp/test.tar /my/home/directory")

You will run into error that may seem baffling:

RAN: '/bin/tar cvf /tmp/test.tar /my/home/directory'


/bin/tar: Old option 'f' requires an argument.
Try '/bin/tar --help' or '/bin/tar --usage' for more information.

Right way to do this is to break up your arguments before passing them into a program. A shell (bash) typically does this for you. It turns “tar cvf /tmp/test.tar /my/home/directory/” into 4 strings: “tar”, “cvf”, “/tmp/test.tar” and “/my/home/directory/” before passing them into the binary. You have to do this manually with sh.py.:

from sh import tar
tar("cvf", "/tmp/test.tar", "/my/home/directory/")

Arguments to sh’s Command wrapper

Similar to the above, arguments to the sh.Command must be separate. e.g. the following does not work:

lscmd = sh.Command("/bin/ls -l")
tarcmd = sh.Command("/bin/tar cvf /tmp/test.tar /my/home/directory/")

You will run into CommandNotFound(path) exception even when correct full path is specified. The correct way to do this is to :

  1. build Command object using only the binary
  2. pass the arguments to the object when invoking

as follows:

lscmd = sh.Command("/bin/ls")
tarcmd = sh.Command("/bin/tar")
tarcmd("cvf", "/tmp/test.tar", "/my/home/directory/")

Keyword arguments

Commands support short-form -a and long-form --arg arguments as keyword arguments:

# resolves to "curl http://duckduckgo.com/ -o page.html --silent"
curl("http://duckduckgo.com/", o="page.html", silent=True)

# or if you prefer not to use keyword arguments, this does the same thing:
curl("http://duckduckgo.com/", "-o", "page.html", "--silent")

# resolves to "adduser amoffat --system --shell=/bin/bash --no-create-home"
adduser("amoffat", system=True, shell="/bin/bash", no_create_home=True)

# or
adduser("amoffat", "--system", "--shell", "/bin/bash", "--no-create-home")

Background processes

By default, each command runs and completes its process before returning. If you have a long-running command, you can put it in the background with the _bg=True special keyword argument:

# blocks
print("...3 seconds later")

# doesn't block
p = sleep(3, _bg=True)
print("prints immediately!")
print("...and 3 seconds later")


Bash style piping is performed using function composition. Just pass one command as the input to another, and sh will create a pipe between the two:

# sort this directory by biggest file
print(sort(du(glob("*"), "-sb"), "-rn"))

# print(the number of folders and files in /etc
print(wc(ls("/etc", "-1"), "-l"))

By default, any command that is piping another command in waits for it to complete. This behavior can be changed with the _piped special keyword argument on the command being piped, which tells it not to complete before sending its data, but to send its data incrementally. See Advanced piping for examples of this.


sh can redirect the standard and error output streams of a process to a file or file-like object. This is done with the special _out and _err special keyword argument. You can pass a filename or a file object as the argument value. When the name of an already existing file is passed, the contents of the file will be overwritten:

ls("nonexistent", _err="error.txt")

You can also redirect to a function. See STDOUT/ERR callbacks.

STDIN Processing

STDIN is sent to a process directly by using a command’s _in special keyword argument:

print(cat(_in="test")) # prints "test"

Any command that takes input from STDIN can be used this way:

print(tr("[:lower:]", "[:upper:]", _in="sh is awesome")) # SH IS AWESOME

You’re also not limited to using just strings. You may use a file object, a Queue, or any iterable (list, set, dictionary, etc):

stdin = ["sh", "is", "awesome"]
out = tr("[:lower:]", "[:upper:]", _in=stdin)


Many programs have their own command subsets, like git (branch, checkout), svn (update, status), and sudo (where any command following sudo is considered a sub-command). sh handles subcommands through attribute access:

from sh import git, sudo

# resolves to "git branch -v"
print(git("branch", "-v")) # the same command

# resolves to "sudo /bin/ls /root"
print(sudo("/bin/ls", "/root")) # the same command

Sub-commands are mainly syntax sugar that makes calling some programs look conceptually nicer.


If you use sudo, the user executing the script must have the NOPASSWD option set for whatever command that user is running, otherwise sudo will hang.

Exit codes

Normal processes exit with exit code 0. This can be seen through a command’s exit_code property:

output = ls("/")
print(output.exit_code) # should be 0

If a process ends with an error, and the exit code is not 0, an exception is generated dynamically. This lets you catch a specific return code, or catch all error return codes through the base class ErrorReturnCode:

try: print(ls("/some/non-existant/folder"))
except ErrorReturnCode_2:
    print("folder doesn't exist!")
except ErrorReturnCode:
    print("unknown error")


Signals will not raise an ErrorReturnCode. The command will return as if it succeeded, but its exit_code property will be set to -signal_num. So, for example, if a command is killed with a SIGHUP, its return code will be -1.

Some programs return strange error codes even though they succeed. If you know which code a program might returns and you don’t want to deal with doing no-op exception handling, you can use the _ok_code special keyword argument:

import sh

This means that the command will not generate an exception if the process exits with 0, 3, or 5 exit code.


If you use _ok_code, you must specify all the exit codes that are considered “ok”, like (typically) 0.

Glob expansion

Glob expansion is not performed on your arguments, for example, this will not work:

import sh

You’ll get an error to the effect of cannot access '\*.py': No such file or directory. This is because the *.py needs to be glob expanded, not passed in literally:

import sh


Don’t use Python’s glob.glob function, use sh.glob. Python’s has edge cases that break with sh.

Advanced Features


sh is capable of “baking” arguments into commands. This is similar to the stdlib functools.partial wrapper. Example:

from sh import ls

ls = ls.bake("-la")
print(ls) # "/usr/bin/ls -la"

# resolves to "ls -la /"

The idea here is that now every call to ls will have the “-la” arguments already specified. This gets really interesting when you combine this with subcommand via attribute access:

from sh import ssh

# calling whoami on a server.  this is a lot to type out, especially if
# you wanted to call many commands (not just whoami) back to back on
# the same server
iam1 = ssh("myserver.com", "-p 1393", "whoami")

# wouldn't it be nice to bake the common parameters into the ssh command?
myserver = ssh.bake("myserver.com", p=1393)

print(myserver) # "/usr/bin/ssh myserver.com -p 1393"

# resolves to "/usr/bin/ssh myserver.com -p 1393 whoami"
iam2 = myserver.whoami()

assert(iam1 == iam2) # True!

Now that the “myserver” callable represents a baked ssh command, you can call anything on the server easily:

# resolves to "/usr/bin/ssh myserver.com -p 1393 tail /var/log/dumb_daemon.log -n 100"
print(myserver.tail("/var/log/dumb_daemon.log", n=100))

‘With’ contexts

Commands can be run within a with context. Popular commands using this might be sudo or fakeroot:

with sudo:

If you need to run a command in a with context and pass in arguments, for example, specifying a -p prompt with sudo, you need to use the _with special keyword argument. This let’s the command know that it’s being run from a with context so it can behave correctly:

with sudo(k=True, _with=True):


If you use sudo, the user executing the script must have the NOPASSWD option set for whatever command that user is running, otherwise sudo will hang.

Iterating over output

You can iterate over long-running commands with the _iter special keyword argument. This creates an iterator (technically, a generator) that you can loop over:

from sh import tail

# runs forever
for line in tail("-f", "/var/log/some_log_file.log", _iter=True):

By default, _iter iterates over stdout, but you can change set this specifically by passing either “err” or “out” to _iter (instead of True). Also by default, output is line-buffered, but you can change this by changing Buffer sizes


If you need a non-blocking iterator, use _iter_noblock. If the current iteration would block, errno.EWOULDBLOCK will be returned, otherwise you’ll receive a chunk of output, as normal.

STDOUT/ERR callbacks

sh can use callbacks to process output incrementally. This is done much like redirection: by passing an argument to either the _out or _err (or both) special keyword arguments, except this time, you pass a callable. This callable will be called for each line (or chunk) of data that your command outputs:

from sh import tail

def process_output(line):

p = tail("-f", "/var/log/some_log_file.log", _out=process_output)

To control whether the callback receives a line or a chunk, please see Buffer sizes. To “quit” your callback, simply return True. This tells the command not to call your callback anymore.


Returning True does not kill the process, it only keeps the callback from being called again. See Interactive callbacks for how to kill a process from a callback.


_out and _err don’t have to specify callables. It can be a file-like object, a Queue, a StringIO instance, or a filename. See Redirection for examples.

Interactive callbacks

Each command launched through sh has an internal STDIN Queue that can be used from callbacks:

def interact(line, stdin):
    if line == "What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?":
        stdin.put("What do you mean? An African or European swallow?")

    elif line == "Huh? I... I don't know that....AAAAGHHHHHH":
        return True

        stdin.put("I don't know....AAGGHHHHH")
        return True


You can also kill or terminate your process (or send any signal, really) from your callback by adding a third argument to receive the process object:

def process_output(line, stdin, process):
    if "ERROR" in line:
        return True

p = tail("-f", "/var/log/some_log_file.log", _out=process_output)

The above code will run, printing lines from some_log_file.log until the word “ERROR” appears in a line, at which point the tail process will be killed and the script will end.


You may also use .terminate() to send a SIGTERM, or .signal(sig) to send a general signal.

Buffer sizes

Buffer sizes are important to consider when you begin to use iterators, advanced piping, or callbacks. Tutorial 2: Entering an SSH password has a good example of why different buffering modes are needed. Buffer sizes control how STDIN is read and how STDOUT/ERR are written to. Consider the following:

for chunk in tr("[:lower:]", "[:upper:]", _in="testing", _iter=True):

STDIN is, by default, unbuffered, so the string “testing” is read character by character. But the result is still “TESTING”, not “T”, “E”, “S”, “T”, “I”, “N”, “G”. Why? Because although STDIN is unbuffered, STDOUT is not. STDIN is being read character by character, but all of those single characters are being aggregated to STDOUT, whose default buffering is line buffering. Try this instead:

for chunk in tr("[:lower:]", "[:upper:]", _in="testing", _iter=True, _out_bufsize=0):

Because now we set STDOUT to also be unbuffered with _out_bufsize=0 the result is “T”, “E”, “S”, “T”, “I”, “N”, “G”, as expected.

There are 2 bufsize special keyword arguments: _in_bufsize and _out_bufsize. They may be set to the following values:

Unbuffered. For STDIN, strings and file objects will be read character-by-character, while Queues, callables, and iterables will be read item by item.
Line buffered. For STDIN, data will be passed into the process line-by-line. For STDOUT/ERR, data will be output line-by-line. If any data is remaining in the STDOUT or STDIN buffers after all the lines have been consumed, it is also consumed/flushed.
Buffered by N characters. For STDIN, data will be passed into the process <=N characters at a time. For STDOUT/ERR, data will be output <=N characters at a time. If any data is remaining in the STDOUT or STDIN buffers after all the lines have been consumed, it is also consumed/flushed.

Advanced piping

By default, all piped commands execute sequentially. What this means is that the inner command executes first, then sends its data to the outer command:

print(wc(ls("/etc", "-1"), "-l"))

In the above example, ls executes, gathers its output, then sends that output to wc. This is fine for simple commands, but for commands where you need parallelism, this isn’t good enough. Take the following example:

for line in tr(tail("-f", "test.log"), "[:upper:]", "[:lower:]", _iter=True):

This won’t work because the tail -f command never finishes. What you need is for tail to send its output to tr as it receives it. This is where the _piped special keyword argument comes in handy:

for line in tr(tail("-f", "test.log", _piped=True), "[:upper:]", "[:lower:]", _iter=True):

This works by telling tail -f that it is being used in a pipeline, and that it should send its output line-by-line to tr. By default, _piped sends stdout, but you can easily make it send stderr instead by using _piped="err"


The special keyword argument _env allows you to pass a dictionary of environement variables and their corresponding values:

import sh
sh.google_chrome(_env={"SOCKS_SERVER": "localhost:1234"})


_env replaces your process’s environment completely. Only the key-value pairs in _env will be used for its environment. If you want to add new environment variables for a process in addition to your existing environment, try something like this:

import os
import sh

new_env = os.environ.copy()
new_env["SOCKS_SERVER"] = "localhost:1234"



Some applications behave differently depending on whether their standard file descriptors are attached to a TTY or not. For example, git will disable features intended for humans such as colored and paged output when STDOUT is not attached to a TTY. Other programs may disable interactive input if a TTY is not attached to STDIN. Still other programs, such as SSH (without -n), expect their input to come from a TTY/terminal.

By default, sh emulates a TTY for STDOUT but not for STDIN. You can change the default behavior by passing in extra special keyword arguments, as such:

STDOUT _tty_out True (tty)
STDIN _tty_in False (pipe)
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