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Cleaning Up Nameless EC2 Instances with Ansible
09 Apr 2015I gave a talk at the recent London Ansible Meetup on how I cleared up unexplained nameless/'anonymous' EC2 instances from our AWS account at YPlan. This is the blog post version of that talk, so you can follow along and stop such instances appearing on your account and sapping money!
If you know what I'm talking about and just want the code, scroll direct to the end.
The Problem
Blank instances were appearing on our EC2 account! They were totally 'anonymous' - no name, no tags, no CPU/network usage (not now, not since they were launched). Whenever I spotted them on the console, they'd normally been running for a couple weeks - though I probably look at the console every day, it's very hard to notice blank rows!
I investigated where they were coming from. At first I suspected AWS might just be padding out the bill sneakily, but digging further into the Cloudtrail logs, I discovered that they had been launched by our Jenkins continuous delivery server.
Our Jenkins build process at YPlan uses an Ansible playbook to launch an instance (using the ec2 module), provision it with the latest code and dependencies, and then freeze it as an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). The AMI is what then gets used for testing and deployment (if you're interested, it's based upon some code from Ansible's immutablish-deploys repo ).
I looked back through the build logs to the times the anonymous instances had been started, and found that in each case Jenkins had launched them at the start of the normal build process, but it had been cancelled immediately afterwards. Cancelled builds are a regular occurence, when a developer knows that the particular version is not going to be useful since it doesn't contain all the necessary code, and they don't want it to block the next one.
So it turns out that on EC2, launching an instance and tagging it (which is when it gets a name, since "Name" is a tag) are separate actions. A launch takes around 10-20 seconds to complete, and thus if you kill the process creating the instance (Ansible's ec2 module) right after it has sent the launch request, you will be left with a blank, 'anonymous' instance.
The Solution
The solution to this problem is quite simple - a second 'cleanup' Ansible task run periodically to delete any blank instances. On our Jenkins server we have a "clean_resources" play that gets run every 15 minutes to clean up other cloud-cruft such as old AMIs, so I can just add a play to that.
Here's a first draft of such a play:
- name: delete anonymous instances
hosts: ec2
gather_facts: false
- name: delete anonymous instances
ec2_sql: DELETE FROM ec2_instances
WHERE length(tags) = 0 AND age > 30 minutes
Unfortunately, I'm stuck in DBA mode and have completely dreamt up the ec2_sql module! It does look easy to use though, doesn't it?
It does clarify what we want though, so it'll work well as a framework for creating the actual play. Here's a start with the real Ansible ec2 module, ready to terminate instances:
- name: delete anonymous instances
hosts: ec2
gather_facts: false
- when: "True" # length(tags) = 0 AND
# age > 30 minutes
local_action: ec2 state=absent
instance_ids={{ ec2_id }}
With all the conditionals left in comments though this will just terminate every instance on the account! We first need to convert the two parts of the commented SQL 'WHERE' clause into actual Jinja2 code to make it work :)
Let's do that one part at a time.
1. Converting 'length(tags) = 0'
For the inventory I'm using the ec2.py script that comes with Ansible. It
gets all the instances from the EC2 API and returns them ready for Ansible,
with lots of ec2_*
variables defined automatically. The tag variables all
start with ec2_tag_
, like so:
"ec2-54-75-123-123.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com": {
"ec2_architecture": "x86_64",
"ec2_client_token": "",
"ec2_tag_Name": "my_fancy_machine",
"ec2_tag_tier": "web",
How can we test that no variables on the host have a given prefix? The built-in Jinja2 filters, and Ansible extensions, don't seem to be of any help, so we'll need to make our own.
The python code to filter strings to only those with a given prefix is easy - in fact, it's a one-liner that we can try in 5 seconds on the REPL:
In [1]: def filter_prefix(items, prefix):
...: return [x for x in items if x.startswith(prefix)]
In [2]: var_names = ['ec2_architecture',
...: 'ec2_tag_Name',
...: 'ec2_tag_ansible_role']
In [3]: filter_prefix(var_names, 'ec2_tag_')
Out[3]: ['ec2_tag_Name', 'ec2_tag_ansible_role']
Looking good! ALl we need to do now is give the filter_prefix
function to
Ansible's Jinja2 system so it can be used in templates, and therefore the
The docs
don't say too much about making your own template filters, instead encouraging
you to use the source, but it's quite easy to follow if you know a little
Ansible automatically discovers any filter modules in the folder filter_plugins relative to your playbook, therefore I'm saving mine as filterplugins/myplugins.py next to clean_resources.yml. The only code we need for this to be picked up as a Jinja2 filter module is:
def filter_prefix(items, prefix):
return [x for x in items if x.startswith(prefix)]
class FilterModule(object):
def filters(self):
return {
'filter_prefix': filter_prefix,
And we can integrate this in the task now :
- name: delete anonymous instances
hosts: ec2
gather_facts: false
- when: >
| filter_prefix('ec2_tag_')
| length == 0
# AND age > 30 minutes
local_action: ec2 state=absent
instance_ids={{ ec2_id }}
It's a slightly "wordy" pipeline, but it's relatively straightforward to follow:
is the dictionary of all variables assigned to the current host.keys()
gets the names of the variables as a list| filter_prefix('ec2_tag_')
calls our plugin function to filter only those starting withec2_tag_
. Note the Jinja2 syntax - the item on the left of the filter becomes our function's first argumentitems
, and the argument in brackets becomes the second argumentprefix
| length
returns the length of the filtered list, which we can then compare with 0
2. Converting 'age > 30 minutes'
We need this second clause because of the ten second window between launching and tagging. If our deletion task happens to run whilst a machine is being created, it could terminate it before it even gets a first chance to be tagged!
I've settled to delete untagged instances older than 30 minutes. In principle a smaller timeout like 30 seconds would do, but since the playbook is run every 15 minutes, and EC2 instance charges are rounded UP to the next whole hour, we wouldn't save anything.
Looking again at the variables from ec2.py, we can see we also have
"ec2-54-75-123-123.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com": {
"ec2_launch_time": "2014-11-15T11:25:57.000Z",
Since JSON has no native date/time format, it is stored as a string with an AWS-specific format, which makes it hard to compare. Luckily, a little googling yields enough Stack Overflow code snippets to convert this string into a datetime and then the number of seconds that have passed since then:
from datetime import datetime
from time import strptime
def aws_age_seconds(ec2_launch_time):
# Strip trailing subsecond part
launch_time = ec2_launch_time[:-len('.000Z')]
# Turn into datetime
time_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
time_tuple = strptime(launch_time, time_format)
time_dt = datetime(*time_tuple[:6])
# Return difference in seconds
diff = datetime.utcnow() - time_dt
return seconds_diff.total_seconds()
To add this as a filter, it just needs to be copied again into the
my_plugins.py file and added into the dictionary returned by filters()
We can then use it direct in our when
condition, comparing it against 30
minutes, or rather 1800 seconds:
- name: delete anonymous instances
hosts: ec2
gather_facts: false
- when: >
| filter_prefix('ec2_tag_')
| length == 0
and ec2_launch_time|aws_age_seconds > 1800
local_action: ec2 state=absent
instance_ids={{ ec2_id }}
Thankfully it's a bit more self-explanatory than the first half!
Whilst this play is not particularly complex, it does show that sometimes you do need to change something about Ansible. Thankfully it's quite easy as most components, such as Jinja2 here, can be extended or swapped.
If you're on EC2 I hope you can use this code too to save yourself the grief and bills of the anonymous instances. Our Jenkins server has successfully run this task every 15 minutes for a few months now, so it should be fine for you!*
If you want the filters in an easy to copy format (including some tests), check out my gist "my_filters.py".
* Blog post has been adapted from production code and therefore may not be representative of actual product. Suitability for your environment not guaranteed. Produced in a facility handling nuts. Not intended for children under the age of 5.
Tags: ansible, aws