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Jenkins Job DSL Plugin

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Original source (jenkinsci.github.io)
Tags: jenkins dsl jenkinsci.github.io
Clipped on: 2016-03-07

Jenkins Job DSL API

Welcome to the Job DSL API Viewer. This is the Job DSL reference, showing all available DSL methods. Use the navigation on the left to browse all methods starting from the methods available in the script context.

The Job DSL API currently supports 179 Jenkins plugins. Click the on the top-right to filter methods by plugin.

For further documentation, please go to the Job DSL Wiki.

Other Jenkins plugins can contribute DSL methods through extension points. Refer to the plugins' wiki pages for documentation:

Top-Level Methods

  • // Creates or update a job for managing Jenkins jobs orchestration using a dedicated DSL.
    buildFlowJob(String name)
  • // Creates or update a job for managing Jenkins jobs orchestration using a dedicated DSL.
    buildFlowJob(String name) {}
  • // Creates or updates a view that provides a highly visible view of the status of selected Jenkins jobs.
    buildMonitorView(String name)
  • // Creates or updates a view that provides a highly visible view of the status of selected Jenkins jobs.
    buildMonitorView(String name) {}
  • // Create or updates a view of upstream and downstream connected jobs.
    buildPipelineView(String name)
  • // Create or updates a view of upstream and downstream connected jobs.
    buildPipelineView(String name) {}
  • // Creates or updates a new view that is very similar to the standard Jenkins List Views, but where you can group jobs and categorize them according to regular expressions.
    categorizedJobsView(String name)
  • // Creates or updates a new view that is very similar to the standard Jenkins List Views, but where you can group jobs and categorize them according to regular expressions.
    categorizedJobsView(String name) {}
  • // Creates a managed custom file.
    customConfigFile(String name)
  • // Creates a managed custom file.
    customConfigFile(String name) {}
  • // Creates or updates a dashboard / portal-like view.
    dashboardView(String name)
  • // Creates or updates a dashboard / portal-like view.
    dashboardView(String name) {}
  • // Creates or updates a view that renders pipelines based on upstream/downstream jobs.
    deliveryPipelineView(String name)
  • // Creates or updates a view that renders pipelines based on upstream/downstream jobs.
    deliveryPipelineView(String name) {}
  • // Creates or updates a folder.
    folder(String name)
  • // Creates or updates a folder.
    folder(String name) {}
  • // Creates or updates a free style job.
    freeStyleJob(String name)
  • // Creates or updates a free style job.
    freeStyleJob(String name) {}
  • // Creates a managed global Maven settings file.
    globalMavenSettingsConfigFile(String name)
  • // Creates a managed global Maven settings file.
    globalMavenSettingsConfigFile(String name) {}
  • // Creates or updates a job to build an Ivy project.
    ivyJob(String name)
  • // Creates or updates a job to build an Ivy project.
    ivyJob(String name) {}
  • // Creates or updates a free style job.
    job(String name)
  • // Creates or updates a free style job.
    job(String name) {}
  • // Creates or updates a view that shows items in a simple list format.
    listView(String name)
  • // Creates or updates a view that shows items in a simple list format.
    listView(String name) {}
  • // Creates a managed script file.
    managedScriptConfigFile(String name)
  • // Creates a managed script file.
    managedScriptConfigFile(String name) {}
  • // Creates or updates a multi-configuration job.
    matrixJob(String name)
  • // Creates or updates a multi-configuration job.
    matrixJob(String name) {}
  • // Creates or updates a job to build a Maven project.
    mavenJob(String name)
  • // Creates or updates a job to build a Maven project.
    mavenJob(String name) {}
  • // Creates a managed Maven settings file.
    mavenSettingsConfigFile(String name)
  • // Creates a managed Maven settings file.
    mavenSettingsConfigFile(String name) {}
  • // Creates or updates a multi-job project, suitable for running other jobs.
    multiJob(String name)
  • // Creates or updates a multi-job project, suitable for running other jobs.
    multiJob(String name) {}
  • // Create or updates a multibranch workflow job.
    multibranchWorkflowJob(String name)
  • // Creates or updates a multibranch workflow job.
    multibranchWorkflowJob(String name) {}
  • // Creates or updates a view that allows grouping views into multiple levels.
    nestedView(String name)
  • // Creates or updates a view that allows grouping views into multiple levels.
    nestedView(String name) {}
  • // Schedule a job to be run later.
    queue(String jobName)
  • // Schedule a job to be run later.
    queue(javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.Job job)
  • // Streams a file from the workspace of the seed job.
    readFileFromWorkspace(String filePath)
  • // Reads a file from the workspace of a job.
    readFileFromWorkspace(String jobName, String filePath)
  • // Creates or updates a view that can be divided into sections.
    sectionedView(String name)
  • // Creates or updates a view that can be divided into sections.
    sectionedView(String name) {}
  • // Streams a file from the workspace of the seed job.
    streamFileFromWorkspace(String filePath)
  • // Upload the stream as user content.
    userContent(String path, java.io.InputStream content)
  • // Create or updates a workflow job.
    workflowJob(String name)
  • // Create or updates a workflow job.
    workflowJob(String name) {}