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Groovy String Tutorial
May 28, 2014 Groovy, Tutorial 1 comments
In any programming language, Strings and String manipulations are very important. This tutorial will show how cool it is to work with String using Groovy!If you don't know how to setup an IDE and create a Groovy project, check out my post here and here.
Strings can either be defined using single or double quotes. The two objects below are Strings:
def firstName = 'John' def lastName = "Doe"
And since Groovy is superset of Java, you can use String methods you normally use in Java:
println 'ABCDEF'.length() // output: 6 println 'ABCDEF'.substring(1) // output: BCDEF println 'ABCDEF'.indexOf('C') // output: 2 println 'ABCDEF'.replace('CD', 'XX') // output: ABXXEF println 'ABCDEF'.toLowerCase() // output: abcdef
Concatenation is same as Java with the + sign.
def a = 'John' println "Hello " + a + " and welcome" // output: Hello John and welcome
Strings in double quote are called GStrings. A special property of it is it evaluates expressions inside it, enclosed in ${}. For example:
def firstName = 'John' def lastName = "Doe" println '${lastName}, ${firstName}' // output: ${lastName}, ${firstName} println "${lastName}, ${firstName}" // output: Doe, John
Notice that the first line was taken literally, because it's just a normal String. The next line was evaluated because it's a GString.
Aside from + operator, - and * can be used:
println 'ABC' - 'B' // output: A println 'ABBC' - 'B' // output: ABC println 'ABBC' - 'BB' // output: AC println 'ABC' * 2 // output: ABCABC println 'ABC' * 3 // output: ABCABCABC
Backslash is used to escape special characters
println 'Hello\tWorld' // output: Hello World println 'Hi\\There' // output: Hi\There println 'Hi\'There' // output: Hi'There println "Hi\"There" // output: Hi"There
Multiple lines
You can initialize the value of a string with multiple lines, by using either backslash at the end of each line, or enclosing between triple quotes/double-quotes. Here are the different examples and their output:
def str1 = """#1 Hello This is a multi line string example """ println str1 def str2 = '''#2 This is Another multi line string sammple ''' println str2 def str3 = '#3 This is\ a sample with\ backslash' println str3 def str4 = '\n#4 Another example\n\ with backslash\n\ and next line' println str4
This is the output of the code above:
#1 Hello This is a multi line string example #2 This is Another multi line string sammple #3 This isa sample withbackslash #4 Another example with backslash and next line
Groovy supports padding to make sure a String is of a particular length. For example:
def str = 'ABC'.padLeft(5) println str println str.length()
Will output:
ABC 5Notice that the string is padded with 2 blank spaces to the left, to make sure it is 5 characters.
It is also possible to specify the text to pad, if you wish not to use space.
println 'ABC'.padLeft(5,'+') // output: ++ABC
You are not limited to padding a certain character to a String. You can also choose to pad a string. For example:
println 'ABC'.padLeft(10,'123') // output: 1231231ABCThe string "123" are repeated until the required 10 characters is met.
You can pad to the left, right, or center the original string. For example:
println 'ABC'.padLeft(8,'+') // output: +++++ABC println 'ABC'.padRight(8,'+') // output: ABC+++++ println 'ABC'.center(8,'+') // output: ++ABC+++
Tokenizing a string is more convenient in Groovy. For example:
def list1 = 'i am john'.tokenize()Is the same as:
def list1 = ['i', 'am', 'john']By default, it will be tokenized by white spaces (space, tab, next line).
It is possible to tokenize using a specific delimiter:
def a = 'i,am,john'.tokenize() // same as: ['i,am,john'] def b = 'i,am-john'.tokenize(',-') // same as: ['i', 'am', 'john']
Strings can be manipulated using closures.
find will iterate through each character and will return the first character that matches the criteria given. findAll on the other hand, will return all characters that matches the criteria as list. Example:
println 'grails'.find{ it > 'i' } // output: r println 'grails'.findAll{ it > 'i' } // output: [r, l, s] println 'grails'.findAll{ it >= 's' } // output: [s]
every will test each character and will return true if all matches the criteria. These 2 conditions are identical:
def a = 'abc'.every{ it > 'b' } def b = 'abc'[0] > 'b' && 'abc'[1] > 'b' && 'abc'[2] > 'b'
any will test each character and will return true if one of them matches the criteria. These 2 conditions are identical:
def a = 'abc'.any{ it > 'b' } def b = 'abc'[0] > 'b' || 'abc'[1] > 'b' || 'abc'[2] > 'b'
collect will construct a new list by manipulating each character.
'abc'.collect{ it } // ['a', 'b', 'c'] 'abc'.collect{ it + '.' } // ['a.', 'b.', 'c.'] 'abc'.collect{ 'test-' + it } // ['test-a', 'test-b', 'test-c'] 'abc'.collect{ it * 3 } // ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']
Other Groovy Tutorials
- Playing with Groovy Language
- String
- Map
- Array Manipulation
- File Manipulation
- Each Loop
- For Loop
- Times Loop
- String To Integer
- List To String
- Sleep/Delay
- print and println
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Tag Reference
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