Jay Taylor's notes
back to listing indexIPFS is a new peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol.
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Original source (ipfs.io)
Clipped on: 2016-03-25
Command Reference
ipfs command reference
generated on 2016-02-23 14:41:10.728008
- ipfs
- ipfs add
- ipfs bitswap
- ipfs bitswap stat
- ipfs bitswap unwant
- ipfs bitswap wantlist
- ipfs block
- ipfs block get
- ipfs block put
- ipfs block stat
- ipfs bootstrap
- ipfs bootstrap add
- ipfs bootstrap list
- ipfs bootstrap rm
- ipfs cat
- ipfs commands
- ipfs config
- ipfs config edit
- ipfs config replace
- ipfs config show
- ipfs daemon
- ipfs dht
- ipfs dht findpeer
- ipfs dht findprovs
- ipfs dht get
- ipfs dht put
- ipfs dht query
- ipfs diag
- ipfs diag net
- ipfs diag sys
- ipfs dns
- ipfs file
- ipfs file ls
- ipfs get
- ipfs id
- ipfs init
- ipfs log
- ipfs log level
- ipfs log tail
- ipfs ls
- ipfs mount
- ipfs name
- ipfs name publish
- ipfs name resolve
- ipfs object
- ipfs object data
- ipfs object get
- ipfs object links
- ipfs object new
- ipfs object patch
- ipfs object put
- ipfs object stat
- ipfs pin
- ipfs pin add
- ipfs pin ls
- ipfs pin rm
- ipfs ping
- ipfs refs
- ipfs refs local
- ipfs repo
- ipfs repo gc
- ipfs resolve
- ipfs stats
- ipfs stats bw
- ipfs swarm
- ipfs swarm addrs
- ipfs swarm addrs local
- ipfs swarm connect
- ipfs swarm disconnect
- ipfs swarm filters
- ipfs swarm filters add
- ipfs swarm filters rm
- ipfs swarm peers
- ipfs tar
- ipfs tar add
- ipfs tar cat
- ipfs tour
- ipfs tour list
- ipfs tour next
- ipfs tour restart
- ipfs update
- ipfs version
ipfs - global p2p merkle-dag filesystem
-c, --config string - Path to the configuration file to use
-D, --debug bool - Operate in debug mode
--help bool - Show the full command help text
-h bool - Show a short version of the command help text
-L, --local bool - Run the command locally, instead of using the daemon
--api string - Use a specific API instance (defaults to /ip4/
ipfs commands - List all available commands.
ipfs get <ipfs-path> - Download IPFS objects
ipfs id [<peerid>] - Show IPFS Node ID info
ipfs dht - Issue commands directly through the DHT
ipfs daemon - Run a network-connected IPFS node
ipfs refs <ipfs-path>... - Lists links (references) from an object
ipfs diag - Generates diagnostic reports
ipfs version - Shows ipfs version information
ipfs config <key> [<value>] - get and set IPFS config values
ipfs bitswap - A set of commands to manipulate the bitswap agent
ipfs swarm - swarm inspection tool
ipfs dns <domain-name> - DNS link resolver
ipfs file - Interact with ipfs objects representing Unix filesystems
ipfs log - Interact with the daemon log output
ipfs pin - Pin (and unpin) objects to local storage
ipfs block - Manipulate raw IPFS blocks
ipfs update [<args>]... -
ipfs ls <ipfs-path>... - List links from an object.
ipfs mount - Mounts IPFS to the filesystem (read-only)
ipfs ping <peer ID>... - send echo request packets to IPFS hosts
ipfs repo - Manipulate the IPFS repo
ipfs bootstrap - Show or edit the list of bootstrap peers
ipfs stats - Query IPFS statistics
ipfs tar - utility functions for tar files in ipfs
ipfs init - Initializes IPFS config file
ipfs cat <ipfs-path>... - Show IPFS object data
ipfs add <path>... - Add an object to ipfs.
ipfs object - Interact with ipfs objects
ipfs name - IPFS namespace (IPNS) tool
ipfs resolve <name> - Resolve the value of names to IPFS
ipfs tour [<id>] - An introduction to IPFS
Use 'ipfs <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
init Initialize ipfs local configuration
add <path> Add an object to ipfs
cat <ref> Show ipfs object data
get <ref> Download ipfs objects
ls <ref> List links from an object
refs <ref> List hashes of links from an object
block Interact with raw blocks in the datastore
object Interact with raw dag nodes
file Interact with Unix filesystem objects
daemon Start a long-running daemon process
mount Mount an ipfs read-only mountpoint
resolve Resolve any type of name
name Publish or resolve IPNS names
dns Resolve DNS links
pin Pin objects to local storage
repo gc Garbage collect unpinned objects
id Show info about ipfs peers
bootstrap Add or remove bootstrap peers
swarm Manage connections to the p2p network
dht Query the dht for values or peers
ping Measure the latency of a connection
diag Print diagnostics
config Manage configuration
version Show ipfs version information
update Download and apply go-ipfs updates
commands List all available commands
Use 'ipfs <command> --help' to learn more about each command.
ipfs uses a repository in the local file system. By default, the repo is located
at ~/.ipfs. To change the repo location, set the $IPFS_PATH environment variable:
export IPFS_PATH=/path/to/ipfsrepo
ipfs add
ipfs add <path>... - Add an object to ipfs.
<path>... - The path to a file to be added to IPFS
-r, --recursive bool - Add directory paths recursively
-q, --quiet bool - Write minimal output
-p, --progress bool - Stream progress data
-t, --trickle bool - Use trickle-dag format for dag generation
-n, --only-hash bool - Only chunk and hash - do not write to disk
-w, --wrap-with-directory bool - Wrap files with a directory object
-H, --hidden bool - Include files that are hidden
-s, --chunker string - chunking algorithm to use
Adds contents of <path> to ipfs. Use -r to add directories.
Note that directories are added recursively, to form the ipfs
MerkleDAG. A smarter partial add with a staging area (like git)
remains to be implemented.
ipfs bitswap
ipfs bitswap - A set of commands to manipulate the bitswap agent
ipfs bitswap wantlist - Show blocks currently on the wantlist
ipfs bitswap stat - show some diagnostic information on the bitswap agent
ipfs bitswap unwant <key>... - Remove a given block from your wantlist
Use 'ipfs bitswap <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
ipfs bitswap stat
ipfs bitswap stat - show some diagnostic information on the bitswap agent
ipfs bitswap unwant
ipfs bitswap unwant <key>... - Remove a given block from your wantlist
<key>... - key to remove from your wantlist
ipfs bitswap wantlist
ipfs bitswap wantlist - Show blocks currently on the wantlist
-p, --peer string - specify which peer to show wantlist for (default self)
Print out all blocks currently on the bitswap wantlist for the local peer
ipfs block
ipfs block - Manipulate raw IPFS blocks
ipfs block stat <key> - Print information of a raw IPFS block
ipfs block get <key> - Get a raw IPFS block
ipfs block put <data> - Stores input as an IPFS block
Use 'ipfs block <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
'ipfs block' is a plumbing command used to manipulate raw ipfs blocks.
Reads from stdin or writes to stdout, and <key> is a base58 encoded
ipfs block get
ipfs block get <key> - Get a raw IPFS block
<key> - The base58 multihash of an existing block to get
'ipfs block get' is a plumbing command for retreiving raw ipfs blocks.
It outputs to stdout, and <key> is a base58 encoded multihash.
ipfs block put
ipfs block put <data> - Stores input as an IPFS block
<data> - The data to be stored as an IPFS block
ipfs block put is a plumbing command for storing raw ipfs blocks.
It reads from stdin, and <key> is a base58 encoded multihash.
ipfs block stat
ipfs block stat <key> - Print information of a raw IPFS block
<key> - The base58 multihash of an existing block to get
'ipfs block stat' is a plumbing command for retreiving information
on raw ipfs blocks. It outputs the following to stdout:
Key - the base58 encoded multihash
Size - the size of the block in bytes
ipfs bootstrap
ipfs bootstrap - Show or edit the list of bootstrap peers
ipfs bootstrap list - Show peers in the bootstrap list
ipfs bootstrap add [<peer>]... - Add peers to the bootstrap list
ipfs bootstrap rm [<peer>]... - Removes peers from the bootstrap list
Use 'ipfs bootstrap <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
Running 'ipfs bootstrap' with no arguments will run 'ipfs bootstrap list'.
The bootstrap command manipulates the "bootstrap list", which contains
the addresses of bootstrap nodes. These are the *trusted peers* from
which to learn about other peers in the network. Only edit this list
if you understand the risks of adding or removing nodes from this list.
ipfs bootstrap add
ipfs bootstrap add [<peer>]... - Add peers to the bootstrap list
[<peer>]... - A peer to add to the bootstrap list (in the format '<multiaddr>/<peerID>')
--default bool - add default bootstrap nodes
Outputs a list of peers that were added (that weren't already
in the bootstrap list).
The bootstrap command manipulates the "bootstrap list", which contains
the addresses of bootstrap nodes. These are the *trusted peers* from
which to learn about other peers in the network. Only edit this list
if you understand the risks of adding or removing nodes from this list.
ipfs bootstrap list
ipfs bootstrap list - Show peers in the bootstrap list
Peers are output in the format '<multiaddr>/<peerID>'.
ipfs bootstrap rm
ipfs bootstrap rm [<peer>]... - Removes peers from the bootstrap list
[<peer>]... - A peer to add to the bootstrap list (in the format '<multiaddr>/<peerID>')
--all bool - Remove all bootstrap peers.
Outputs the list of peers that were removed.
The bootstrap command manipulates the "bootstrap list", which contains
the addresses of bootstrap nodes. These are the *trusted peers* from
which to learn about other peers in the network. Only edit this list
if you understand the risks of adding or removing nodes from this list.
ipfs cat
ipfs cat <ipfs-path>... - Show IPFS object data
<ipfs-path>... - The path to the IPFS object(s) to be outputted
Retrieves the object named by <ipfs-or-ipns-path> and outputs the data
it contains.
ipfs commands
ipfs commands - List all available commands.
-f, --flags bool - Show command flags
Lists all available commands (and subcommands) and exits.
ipfs config
ipfs config <key> [<value>] - get and set IPFS config values
<key> - The key of the config entry (e.g. "Addresses.API")
[<value>] - The value to set the config entry to
--bool bool - Set a boolean value
--json bool - Parse stringified JSON
ipfs config show - Outputs the content of the config file
ipfs config edit - Opens the config file for editing in $EDITOR
ipfs config replace <file> - Replaces the config with <file>
Use 'ipfs config <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
ipfs config controls configuration variables. It works
much like 'git config'. The configuration values are stored in a config
file inside your IPFS repository.
Get the value of the 'datastore.path' key:
ipfs config datastore.path
Set the value of the 'datastore.path' key:
ipfs config datastore.path ~/.ipfs/datastore
ipfs config edit
ipfs config edit - Opens the config file for editing in $EDITOR
To use 'ipfs config edit', you must have the $EDITOR environment
variable set to your preferred text editor.
ipfs config replace
ipfs config replace <file> - Replaces the config with <file>
<file> - The file to use as the new config
Make sure to back up the config file first if neccessary, this operation
can't be undone.
ipfs config show
ipfs config show - Outputs the content of the config file
WARNING: Your private key is stored in the config file, and it will be
included in the output of this command.
ipfs daemon
ipfs daemon - Run a network-connected IPFS node
--init bool - Initialize IPFS with default settings if not already initialized
--routing string - Overrides the routing option (dht, supernode)
--mount bool - Mounts IPFS to the filesystem
--writable bool - Enable writing objects (with POST, PUT and DELETE)
--mount-ipfs string - Path to the mountpoint for IPFS (if using --mount)
--mount-ipns string - Path to the mountpoint for IPNS (if using --mount)
--unrestricted-api bool - Allow API access to unlisted hashes
--disable-transport-encryption bool - Disable transport encryption (for debugging protocols)
--enable-gc bool - Enable automatic periodic repo garbage collection
'ipfs daemon' runs a persistent IPFS daemon that can serve commands
over the network. Most applications that use IPFS will do so by
communicating with a daemon over the HTTP API. While the daemon is
running, calls to 'ipfs' commands will be sent over the network to
the daemon.
The daemon will start listening on ports on the network, which are
documented in (and can be modified through) 'ipfs config Addresses'.
For example, to change the 'Gateway' port:
ipfs config Addresses.Gateway /ip4/
The API address can be changed the same way:
ipfs config Addresses.API /ip4/
Make sure to restart the daemon after changing addresses.
By default, the gateway is only accessible locally. To expose it to
other computers in the network, use as the ip address:
ipfs config Addresses.Gateway /ip4/
Be careful if you expose the API. It is a security risk, as anyone could
control your node remotely. If you need to control the node remotely,
make sure to protect the port as you would other services or database
(firewall, authenticated proxy, etc).
HTTP Headers
IPFS supports passing arbitrary headers to the API and Gateway. You can
do this by setting headers on the API.HTTPHeaders and Gateway.HTTPHeaders
ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.X-Special-Header '["so special :)"]'
ipfs config --json Gateway.HTTPHeaders.X-Special-Header '["so special :)"]'
Note that the value of the keys is an _array_ of strings. This is because
headers can have more than one value, and it is convenient to pass through
to other libraries.
CORS Headers (for API)
You can setup CORS headers the same way:
ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin '["*"]'
ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Methods '["PUT", "GET", "POST"]'
ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Credentials '["true"]'
To shutdown, kill, quit, or otherwise stop the daemon, send a SIGTERM signal.
If it persists, send a second. This can be done by pressing Ctrl+C twice.
Previously, IPFS used an environment variable as seen below:
export API_ORIGIN="http://localhost:8888/"
This is deprecated. It is still honored in this version, but will be removed in a
future version, along with this notice. Please move to setting the HTTP Headers.
ipfs dht
ipfs dht - Issue commands directly through the DHT
ipfs dht findprovs <key>... - Run a 'FindProviders' query through the DHT
ipfs dht findpeer <peerID>... - Run a 'FindPeer' query through the DHT
ipfs dht get <key>... - Run a 'GetValue' query through the DHT
ipfs dht put <key> <value> - Run a 'PutValue' query through the DHT
ipfs dht query <peerID>... - Run a 'findClosestPeers' query through the DHT
Use 'ipfs dht <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
ipfs dht findpeer
ipfs dht findpeer <peerID>... - Run a 'FindPeer' query through the DHT
<peerID>... - The peer to search for
ipfs dht findprovs
ipfs dht findprovs <key>... - Run a 'FindProviders' query through the DHT
<key>... - The key to find providers for
-v, --verbose bool - Write extra information
FindProviders will return a list of peers who are able to provide the value requested.
ipfs dht get
ipfs dht get <key>... - Run a 'GetValue' query through the DHT
<key>... - The key to find a value for
-v, --verbose bool - Write extra information
GetValue will return the value stored in the dht at the given key.
ipfs dht put
ipfs dht put <key> <value> - Run a 'PutValue' query through the DHT
<key> - The key to store the value at
<value> - The value to store
-v, --verbose bool - Write extra information
PutValue will store the given key value pair in the dht.
ipfs dht query
ipfs dht query <peerID>... - Run a 'findClosestPeers' query through the DHT
<peerID>... - The peerID to run the query against
-v, --verbose bool - Write extra information
ipfs diag
ipfs diag - Generates diagnostic reports
ipfs diag net - Generates a network diagnostics report
ipfs diag sys - prints out system diagnostic information.
Use 'ipfs diag <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
ipfs diag net
ipfs diag net - Generates a network diagnostics report
--vis string - output vis. one of: d3, dot
Sends out a message to each node in the network recursively
requesting a listing of data about them including number of
connected peers and latencies between them.
The given timeout will be decremented 2s at every network hop,
ensuring peers try to return their diagnostics before the initiator's
timeout. If the timeout is too small, some peers may not be reached.
30s and 60s are reasonable timeout values, though network vary.
The default timeout is 20 seconds.
The 'vis' option may be used to change the output format.
four formats are supported:
* plain text - easy to read
* d3 - json ready to be fed into d3view
* dot - graphviz format
The d3 format will output a json object ready to be consumed by
the chord network viewer, available at the following hash:
To view your diag output, 'ipfs add' the d3 vis output, and
open the following link:
http://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmbesKpGyQGd5jtJFUGEB1ByPjNFpukhnKZDnkfxUiKn38/chord#<your hash>
The dot format can be fed into graphviz and other programs
that consume the dot format to generate graphs of the network.
ipfs diag sys
ipfs diag sys - prints out system diagnostic information.
Prints out information about your computer to aid in easier debugging.
ipfs dns
ipfs dns <domain-name> - DNS link resolver
<domain-name> - The domain-name name to resolve.
-r, --recursive bool - Resolve until the result is not a DNS link
Multihashes are hard to remember, but domain names are usually easy to
remember. To create memorable aliases for multihashes, DNS TXT
records can point to other DNS links, IPFS objects, IPNS keys, etc.
This command resolves those links to the referenced object.
For example, with this DNS TXT record:
ipfs.io. TXT "dnslink=/ipfs/QmRzTuh2Lpuz7Gr39stNr6mTFdqAghsZec1JoUnfySUzcy ..."
The resolver will give:
> ipfs dns ipfs.io
And with this DNS TXT record:
ipfs.ipfs.io. TXT "dnslink=/dns/ipfs.io ..."
The resolver will give:
> ipfs dns ipfs.io
> ipfs dns --recursive
ipfs file
ipfs file - Interact with ipfs objects representing Unix filesystems
ipfs file ls <ipfs-path>... - List directory contents for Unix-filesystem objects
Use 'ipfs file <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
'ipfs file' provides a familar interface to filesystems represtented
by IPFS objects that hides IPFS-implementation details like layout
objects (e.g. fanout and chunking).
ipfs file ls
ipfs file ls <ipfs-path>... - List directory contents for Unix-filesystem objects
<ipfs-path>... - The path to the IPFS object(s) to list links from
Retrieves the object named by <ipfs-or-ipns-path> and displays the
The JSON output contains size information. For files, the child size
is the total size of the file contents. For directories, the child
size is the IPFS link size.
ipfs get
ipfs get <ipfs-path> - Download IPFS objects
<ipfs-path> - The path to the IPFS object(s) to be outputted
-o, --output string - The path where output should be stored
-a, --archive bool - Output a TAR archive
-C, --compress bool - Compress the output with GZIP compression
-l, --compression-level int - The level of compression (1-9)
Retrieves the object named by <ipfs-or-ipns-path> and stores the data to disk.
By default, the output will be stored at ./<ipfs-path>, but an alternate path
can be specified with '--output=<path>' or '-o=<path>'.
To output a TAR archive instead of unpacked files, use '--archive' or '-a'.
To compress the output with GZIP compression, use '--compress' or '-C'. You
may also specify the level of compression by specifying '-l=<1-9>'.
ipfs id
ipfs id [<peerid>] - Show IPFS Node ID info
[<peerid>] - peer.ID of node to look up
-f, --format string - optional output format
Prints out information about the specified peer,
if no peer is specified, prints out local peers info.
ipfs id supports the format option for output with the following keys:
<id> : the peers id
<aver>: agent version
<pver>: protocol version
<pubkey>: public key
<addrs>: addresses (newline delimited)
ipfs init
ipfs init - Initializes IPFS config file
-b, --bits int - Number of bits to use in the generated RSA private key (defaults to 2048)
-f, --force bool - Overwrite existing config (if it exists)
-e, --empty-repo bool - Don't add and pin help files to the local storage
Initializes IPFS configuration files and generates a new keypair.
ipfs log
ipfs log - Interact with the daemon log output
ipfs log level <subsystem> <level> - Change the logging level
ipfs log tail - Read the logs
Use 'ipfs log <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
'ipfs log' contains utility commands to affect or read the logging
output of a running daemon.
ipfs log level
ipfs log level <subsystem> <level> - Change the logging level
<subsystem> - the subsystem logging identifier. Use 'all' for all subsystems.
<level> - one of: debug, info, warning, error, fatal, panic
'ipfs log level' is a utility command used to change the logging
output of a running daemon.
ipfs log tail
ipfs log tail - Read the logs
'ipfs log tail' is a utility command used to read log output as it is written.
ipfs ls
ipfs ls <ipfs-path>... - List links from an object.
<ipfs-path>... - The path to the IPFS object(s) to list links from
-v, --headers bool - Print table headers (Hash, Name, Size)
Retrieves the object named by <ipfs-or-ipns-path> and displays the links
it contains, with the following format:
<link base58 hash> <link size in bytes> <link name>
ipfs mount
ipfs mount - Mounts IPFS to the filesystem (read-only)
-f, --ipfs-path string - The path where IPFS should be mounted
-n, --ipns-path string - The path where IPNS should be mounted
Mount ipfs at a read-only mountpoint on the OS (default: /ipfs and /ipns).
All ipfs objects will be accessible under that directory. Note that the
root will not be listable, as it is virtual. Access known paths directly.
You may have to create /ipfs and /ipns before using 'ipfs mount':
> sudo mkdir /ipfs /ipns
> sudo chown `whoami` /ipfs /ipns
> ipfs daemon &
> ipfs mount
# setup
> mkdir foo
> echo "baz" > foo/bar
> ipfs add -r foo
added QmWLdkp93sNxGRjnFHPaYg8tCQ35NBY3XPn6KiETd3Z4WR foo/bar
added QmSh5e7S6fdcu75LAbXNZAFY2nGyZUJXyLCJDvn2zRkWyC foo
> ipfs ls QmSh5e7S6fdcu75LAbXNZAFY2nGyZUJXyLCJDvn2zRkWyC
QmWLdkp93sNxGRjnFHPaYg8tCQ35NBY3XPn6KiETd3Z4WR 12 bar
> ipfs cat QmWLdkp93sNxGRjnFHPaYg8tCQ35NBY3XPn6KiETd3Z4WR
# mount
> ipfs daemon &
> ipfs mount
IPFS mounted at: /ipfs
IPNS mounted at: /ipns
> cd /ipfs/QmSh5e7S6fdcu75LAbXNZAFY2nGyZUJXyLCJDvn2zRkWyC
> ls
> cat bar
> cat /ipfs/QmSh5e7S6fdcu75LAbXNZAFY2nGyZUJXyLCJDvn2zRkWyC/bar
> cat /ipfs/QmWLdkp93sNxGRjnFHPaYg8tCQ35NBY3XPn6KiETd3Z4WR
ipfs name
ipfs name - IPFS namespace (IPNS) tool
ipfs name publish <ipfs-path> - Publish an object to IPNS
ipfs name resolve [<name>] - Gets the value currently published at an IPNS name
Use 'ipfs name <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
IPNS is a PKI namespace, where names are the hashes of public keys, and
the private key enables publishing new (signed) values. In both publish
and resolve, the default value of <name> is your own identity public key.
Publish an <ipfs-path> to your identity name:
> ipfs name publish /ipfs/QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy
Published to QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n: /ipfs/QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy
Publish an <ipfs-path> to another public key:
> ipfs name publish /ipfs/QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n
Published to QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n: /ipfs/QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy
Resolve the value of your identity:
> ipfs name resolve
Resolve the value of another name:
> ipfs name resolve QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n
ipfs name publish
ipfs name publish <ipfs-path> - Publish an object to IPNS
<ipfs-path> - IPFS path of the obejct to be published
--resolve bool - resolve given path before publishing (default=true)
-t, --lifetime string - time duration that the record will be valid for (default: 24hrs)
--ttl string - time duration this record should be cached for (caution: experimental)
IPNS is a PKI namespace, where names are the hashes of public keys, and
the private key enables publishing new (signed) values. In publish, the
default value of <name> is your own identity public key.
Publish an <ipfs-path> to your identity name:
> ipfs name publish /ipfs/QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy
Published to QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n: /ipfs/QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy
Publish an <ipfs-path> to another public key (not implemented):
> ipfs name publish /ipfs/QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n
Published to QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n: /ipfs/QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy
ipfs name resolve
ipfs name resolve [<name>] - Gets the value currently published at an IPNS name
[<name>] - The IPNS name to resolve. Defaults to your node's peerID.
-r, --recursive bool - Resolve until the result is not an IPNS name
-n, --nocache bool - Do not used cached entries
IPNS is a PKI namespace, where names are the hashes of public keys, and
the private key enables publishing new (signed) values. In resolve, the
default value of <name> is your own identity public key.
Resolve the value of your identity:
> ipfs name resolve
Resolve the value of another name:
> ipfs name resolve QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n
ipfs object
ipfs object - Interact with ipfs objects
ipfs object patch <root> <command> <args>... - Create a new merkledag object based on an existing one
ipfs object data <key> - Outputs the raw bytes in an IPFS object
ipfs object links <key> - Outputs the links pointed to by the specified object
ipfs object get <key> - Get and serialize the DAG node named by <key>
ipfs object put <data> - Stores input as a DAG object, outputs its key
ipfs object stat <key> - Get stats for the DAG node named by <key>
ipfs object new [<template>] - creates a new object from an ipfs template
Use 'ipfs object <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
'ipfs object' is a plumbing command used to manipulate DAG objects
ipfs object data
ipfs object data <key> - Outputs the raw bytes in an IPFS object
<key> - Key of the object to retrieve, in base58-encoded multihash format
'ipfs object data' is a plumbing command for retreiving the raw bytes stored in
a DAG node. It outputs to stdout, and <key> is a base58 encoded
Note that the "--encoding" option does not affect the output, since the
output is the raw data of the object.
ipfs object get
ipfs object get <key> - Get and serialize the DAG node named by <key>
<key> - Key of the object to retrieve (in base58-encoded multihash format)
'ipfs object get' is a plumbing command for retreiving DAG nodes.
It serializes the DAG node to the format specified by the "--encoding"
flag. It outputs to stdout, and <key> is a base58 encoded multihash.
This command outputs data in the following encodings:
* "protobuf"
* "json"
* "xml"
(Specified by the "--encoding" or "-enc" flag)
ipfs object links
ipfs object links <key> - Outputs the links pointed to by the specified object
<key> - Key of the object to retrieve, in base58-encoded multihash format
'ipfs object links' is a plumbing command for retreiving the links from
a DAG node. It outputs to stdout, and <key> is a base58 encoded
ipfs object new
ipfs object new [<template>] - creates a new object from an ipfs template
[<template>] - optional template to use
'ipfs object new' is a plumbing command for creating new DAG nodes.
By default it creates and returns a new empty merkledag node, but
you may pass an optional template argument to create a preformatted
Available templates:
* unixfs-dir
ipfs object patch
ipfs object patch <root> <command> <args>... - Create a new merkledag object based on an existing one
<root> - the hash of the node to modify
<command> - the operation to perform
<args>... - extra arguments
-p, --create bool - create intermediate directories on add-link
'ipfs object patch <root> <cmd> <args>' is a plumbing command used to
build custom DAG objects. It adds and removes links from objects, creating a new
object as a result. This is the merkle-dag version of modifying an object. It
can also set the data inside a node with 'set-data' and append to that data as
well with 'append-data'.
Patch commands:
add-link <name> <ref> - adds a link to a node
rm-link <name> - removes a link from a node
set-data - sets a nodes data from stdin
append-data - appends to a nodes data from stdin
EMPTY_DIR=$(ipfs object new unixfs-dir)
BAR=$(echo "bar" | ipfs add -q)
ipfs object patch $EMPTY_DIR add-link foo $BAR
This takes an empty directory, and adds a link named foo under it, pointing to
a file containing 'bar', and returns the hash of the new object.
ipfs object patch $FOO_BAR rm-link foo
This removes the link named foo from the hash in $FOO_BAR and returns the
resulting object hash.
The data inside the node can be modified as well:
ipfs object patch $FOO_BAR set-data < file.dat
ipfs object patch $FOO_BAR append-data < file.dat
ipfs object put
ipfs object put <data> - Stores input as a DAG object, outputs its key
<data> - Data to be stored as a DAG object
--inputenc string - Encoding type of input data, either "protobuf" or "json"
'ipfs object put' is a plumbing command for storing DAG nodes.
It reads from stdin, and the output is a base58 encoded multihash.
Data should be in the format specified by the --inputenc flag.
--inputenc may be one of the following:
* "protobuf"
* "json" (default)
echo '{ "Data": "abc" }' | ipfs object put
This creates a node with the data "abc" and no links. For an object with links,
create a file named node.json with the contents:
"Data": "another",
"Links": [ {
"Name": "some link",
"Hash": "QmXg9Pp2ytZ14xgmQjYEiHjVjMFXzCVVEcRTWJBmLgR39V",
"Size": 8
} ]
and then run
ipfs object put node.json
ipfs object stat
ipfs object stat <key> - Get stats for the DAG node named by <key>
<key> - Key of the object to retrieve (in base58-encoded multihash format)
'ipfs object stat' is a plumbing command to print DAG node statistics.
<key> is a base58 encoded multihash. It outputs to stdout:
NumLinks int number of links in link table
BlockSize int size of the raw, encoded data
LinksSize int size of the links segment
DataSize int size of the data segment
CumulativeSize int cumulative size of object and its references
ipfs pin
ipfs pin - Pin (and unpin) objects to local storage
ipfs pin add <ipfs-path>... - Pins objects to local storage
ipfs pin rm <ipfs-path>... - Removes the pinned object from local storage. (By default, recursively. Use -r=false for direct pins)
ipfs pin ls - List objects pinned to local storage
Use 'ipfs pin <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
ipfs pin add
ipfs pin add <ipfs-path>... - Pins objects to local storage
<ipfs-path>... - Path to object(s) to be pinned
-r, --recursive bool - Recursively pin the object linked to by the specified object(s)
Retrieves the object named by <ipfs-path> and stores it locally
on disk.
ipfs pin ls
ipfs pin ls - List objects pinned to local storage
-t, --type string - The type of pinned keys to list. Can be "direct", "indirect", "recursive", or "all". Defaults to "recursive"
-n, --count bool - Show refcount when listing indirect pins
-q, --quiet bool - Write just hashes of objects
Returns a list of objects that are pinned locally.
By default, only recursively pinned returned, but others may be shown via the '--type' flag.
$ echo "hello" | ipfs add -q
$ ipfs pin ls
# now remove the pin, and repin it directly
$ ipfs pin add -r=false QmZULkCELmmk5XNfCgTnCyFgAVxBRBXyDHGGMVoLFLiXEN
$ ipfs pin ls --type=direct
ipfs pin rm
ipfs pin rm <ipfs-path>... - Removes the pinned object from local storage. (By default, recursively. Use -r=false for direct pins)
<ipfs-path>... - Path to object(s) to be unpinned
-r, --recursive bool - Recursively unpin the object linked to by the specified object(s)
Removes the pin from the given object allowing it to be garbage
collected if needed. (By default, recursively. Use -r=false for direct pins)
ipfs ping
ipfs ping <peer ID>... - send echo request packets to IPFS hosts
<peer ID>... - ID of peer to be pinged
-n, --count int - number of ping messages to send
ipfs ping is a tool to test sending data to other nodes. It finds nodes
via the routing system, send pings, wait for pongs, and print out round-
trip latency information.
ipfs refs
ipfs refs <ipfs-path>... - Lists links (references) from an object
<ipfs-path>... - Path to the object(s) to list refs from
--format string - Emit edges with given format. tokens: <src> <dst> <linkname>
-e, --edges bool - Emit edge format: `<from> -> <to>`
-u, --unique bool - Omit duplicate refs from output
-r, --recursive bool - Recursively list links of child nodes
ipfs refs local - Lists all local references
Use 'ipfs refs <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
Retrieves the object named by <ipfs-path> and displays the link
hashes it contains, with the following format:
<link base58 hash>
Note: list all refs recursively with -r.
ipfs refs local
ipfs refs local - Lists all local references
Displays the hashes of all local objects.
ipfs repo
ipfs repo - Manipulate the IPFS repo
ipfs repo gc - Perform a garbage collection sweep on the repo
Use 'ipfs repo <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
'ipfs repo' is a plumbing command used to manipulate the repo.
ipfs repo gc
ipfs repo gc - Perform a garbage collection sweep on the repo
-q, --quiet bool - Write minimal output
'ipfs repo gc' is a plumbing command that will sweep the local
set of stored objects and remove ones that are not pinned in
order to reclaim hard disk space.
ipfs resolve
ipfs resolve <name> - Resolve the value of names to IPFS
<name> - The name to resolve.
-r, --recursive bool - Resolve until the result is an IPFS name
There are a number of mutable name protocols that can link among
themselves and into IPNS. For example IPNS references can (currently)
point at IPFS object, and DNS links can point at other DNS links, IPNS
entries, or IPFS objects. This command accepts any of these
identifiers and resolves them to the referenced item.
Resolve the value of your identity:
> ipfs resolve /ipns/QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy
Resolve the value of another name:
> ipfs resolve /ipns/QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n
Resolve the value of another name recursively:
> ipfs resolve -r /ipns/QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n
Resolve the value of an IPFS DAG path:
> ipfs resolve /ipfs/QmeZy1fGbwgVSrqbfh9fKQrAWgeyRnj7h8fsHS1oy3k99x/beep/boop
ipfs stats
ipfs stats - Query IPFS statistics
ipfs stats bw - Print ipfs bandwidth information
Use 'ipfs stats <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
ipfs stats bw
ipfs stats bw - Print ipfs bandwidth information
-p, --peer string - specify a peer to print bandwidth for
-t, --proto string - specify a protocol to print bandwidth for
--poll bool - print bandwidth at an interval
-i, --interval string - time interval to wait between updating output
ipfs swarm
ipfs swarm - swarm inspection tool
ipfs swarm peers - List peers with open connections
ipfs swarm addrs - List known addresses. Useful to debug.
ipfs swarm connect <address>... - Open connection to a given address
ipfs swarm disconnect <address>... - Close connection to a given address
ipfs swarm filters - Manipulate address filters
Use 'ipfs swarm <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
ipfs swarm is a tool to manipulate the network swarm. The swarm is the
component that opens, listens for, and maintains connections to other
ipfs peers in the internet.
ipfs swarm addrs
ipfs swarm addrs - List known addresses. Useful to debug.
ipfs swarm addrs local - List local addresses.
Use 'ipfs swarm addrs <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
ipfs swarm addrs lists all addresses this node is aware of.
ipfs swarm addrs local
ipfs swarm addrs local - List local addresses.
--id bool - Show peer ID in addresses
ipfs swarm addrs local lists all local addresses the node is listening on.
ipfs swarm connect
ipfs swarm connect <address>... - Open connection to a given address
<address>... - address of peer to connect to
'ipfs swarm connect' opens a new direct connection to a peer address.
The address format is an ipfs multiaddr:
ipfs swarm connect /ip4/
ipfs swarm disconnect
ipfs swarm disconnect <address>... - Close connection to a given address
<address>... - address of peer to connect to
'ipfs swarm disconnect' closes a connection to a peer address. The address format
is an ipfs multiaddr:
ipfs swarm disconnect /ip4/
ipfs swarm filters
ipfs swarm filters - Manipulate address filters
ipfs swarm filters add <address>... - add an address filter
ipfs swarm filters rm <address>... - remove an address filter
Use 'ipfs swarm filters <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
'ipfs swarm filters' will list out currently applied filters. Its subcommands can be used
to add or remove said filters. Filters are specified using the multiaddr-filter format:
Where the above is equivalent to the standard CIDR:
Filters default to those specified under the "Swarm.AddrFilters" config key.
ipfs swarm filters add
ipfs swarm filters add <address>... - add an address filter
<address>... - multiaddr to filter
'ipfs swarm filters add' will add an address filter to the daemons swarm.
Filters applied this way will not persist daemon reboots, to acheive that,
add your filters to the ipfs config file.
ipfs swarm filters rm
ipfs swarm filters rm <address>... - remove an address filter
<address>... - multiaddr filter to remove
'ipfs swarm filters rm' will remove an address filter from the daemons swarm.
Filters removed this way will not persist daemon reboots, to acheive that,
remove your filters from the ipfs config file.
ipfs swarm peers
ipfs swarm peers - List peers with open connections
ipfs swarm peers lists the set of peers this node is connected to.
ipfs tar
ipfs tar - utility functions for tar files in ipfs
ipfs tar add <file> - import a tar file into ipfs
ipfs tar cat <path> - export a tar file from ipfs
Use 'ipfs tar <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
ipfs tar add
ipfs tar add <file> - import a tar file into ipfs
<file> - tar file to add
'ipfs tar add' will parse a tar file and create a merkledag structure to represent it.
ipfs tar cat
ipfs tar cat <path> - export a tar file from ipfs
<path> - ipfs path of archive to export
'ipfs tar cat' will export a tar file from a previously imported one in ipfs
ipfs tour
ipfs tour [<id>] - An introduction to IPFS
[<id>] - The id of the topic you would like to tour
ipfs tour list - Show a list of IPFS Tour topics
ipfs tour next - Show the next IPFS Tour topic
ipfs tour restart - Restart the IPFS Tour
Use 'ipfs tour <subcmd> --help' for more information about each command.
This is a tour that takes you through various IPFS concepts,
features, and tools to make sure you get up to speed with
IPFS very quickly. To start, run:
ipfs tour
ipfs tour list
ipfs tour list - Show a list of IPFS Tour topics
ipfs tour next
ipfs tour next - Show the next IPFS Tour topic
ipfs tour restart
ipfs tour restart - Restart the IPFS Tour
ipfs update
ipfs-update - update ipfs
ipfs-update [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
versions print out all available versions
version print out currently installed version
install install a version of ipfs
stash stashes copy of currently installed ipfs binary
revert revert to previously installed version of ipfs
fetch fetch a given (default: latest) version of ipfs
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--verbose print verbose output
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
ipfs version
ipfs version - Shows ipfs version information
-n, --number bool - Only show the version number
--commit bool - Show the commit hash
--repo bool - Show repo version
Returns the current version of ipfs and exits.