Here is a nice, tidy Python solution. I made no attempt to be terse here.
This modifies the file in-place, rather than making a copy of the file and stripping the newline from the last line of the copy. If the file is large, this will be much faster than the Perl solution that was chosen as the best answer.
It truncates a file by two bytes if the last two bytes are CR/LF, or by one byte if the last byte is LF. It does not attempt to modify the file if the last byte(s) are not (CR)LF. It handles errors. Tested in Python 2.6.
Put this in a file called "striplast" and chmod +x striplast
# strip newline from last line of a file
import sys
def trunc(filename, new_len):
# open with mode "append" so we have permission to modify
# cannot open with mode "write" because that clobbers the file!
f = open(filename, "ab")
except IOError:
print "cannot write to file:", filename
# get input argument
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
filename = sys.argv[1]
filename = "--help" # wrong number of arguments so print help
if filename == "--help" or filename == "-h" or filename == "/?":
print "Usage: %s <filename>" % sys.argv[0]
print "Strips a newline off the last line of a file."
# must have mode "b" (binary) to allow with negative offset
f = open(filename, "rb")
except IOError:
print "file does not exist:", filename
SEEK_EOF = 2, SEEK_EOF) # seek to two bytes before end of file
end_pos = f.tell()
line =
if line.endswith("\r\n"):
trunc(filename, end_pos)
elif line.endswith("\n"):
trunc(filename, end_pos + 1)
P.S. In the spirit of "Perl golf", here's my shortest Python solution. It slurps the whole file from standard input into memory, strips all newlines off the end, and writes the result to standard output. Not as terse as the Perl; you just can't beat Perl for little tricky fast stuff like this.
Remove the "\n" from the call to .rstrip()
and it will strip all white space from the end of the file, including multiple blank lines.
Put this into "" and then run python < inputfile > outputfile
import sys