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sw-samuraj / vim-gradle — Bitbucket

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Original source (bitbucket.org)
Tags: syntax vim vimrc gradle bitbucket.org
Clipped on: 2018-03-13


The purpose of this project is to maintain missing Gradle capabilities in Vim. Particularly:

  • File extension recognition
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Folding
  • Ctags support for Tagbar plugin

Additionally, some missing Groovy features are provided as well:

  • Folding for Groovy files
  • Groovy Ctags support for Tagbar plugin


Vim Pathogen Plugin

If you are using Vim Pathogen plugin, then the installation is simple and straightforward:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
hg clone https://bitbucket.org/sw-samuraj/vim-gradle

Classic Vim Layout

If you prefer the traditional Vim layout, you can copy all the directories to your $VIM_HOME:

cp -r after compiler ctags ftdetect ftplugin syntax ~/.vim

Through the Gradle

Your interest in the vim-gradle plugin probably means that you have Gradle already installed. Then you can run either

gradle installBundle

for Pathogen-like installation, or

gradle installVimball

for classic-like installation.


Vim Pathogen Plugin

rm -rf ~/.vim/bundle/vim-gradle

Classic Vim Layout

cd ~/.vim
rm -rf syntax/gradle.vim ftdetect/gradle.vim compiler/gradle.vim after/syntax/groovy.vim

Through the Gradle

If you have Gradle already installed, then you can uninstall vim-gradle by

gradle uninstallBundle

for the Pathogen bundle, or

gradle uninstallVimball

for the classic layout.


  • Add Vim documentation (available through :help command).
  • Add :gradle command for running Gradle tasks.
  • Improve Ctags mapping for Gradle and Groovy files.

Contribution guidelines

I'll be happy with any participation or feedback. Please, feel free to:

  • fork the project
  • send me a pull request
  • track a bug, or an enhancement
  • or anything else what can improve this plugin.


The vim-gradle plugin is published under BSD 3-Clause license.

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