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[web search]How to do distributed locking
Published by Martin Kleppmann on 08 Feb 2016.
As part of the research for my book, I came across an algorithm called Redlock on the Redis website. The algorithm claims to implement fault-tolerant distributed locks (or rather, leases [1]) on top of Redis, and the page asks for feedback from people who are into distributed systems. The algorithm instinctively set off some alarm bells in the back of my mind, so I spent a bit of time thinking about it and writing up these notes.
Since there are already over 10 independent implementations of Redlock and we don’t know who is already relying on this algorithm, I thought it would be worth sharing my notes publicly. I won’t go into other aspects of Redis, some of which have already been critiqued elsewhere.
Before I go into the details of Redlock, let me say that I quite like Redis, and I have successfully used it in production in the past. I think it’s a good fit in situations where you want to share some transient, approximate, fast-changing data between servers, and where it’s not a big deal if you occasionally lose that data for whatever reason. For example, a good use case is maintaining request counters per IP address (for rate limiting purposes) and sets of distinct IP addresses per user ID (for abuse detection).
However, Redis has been gradually making inroads into areas of data management where there are stronger consistency and durability expectations – which worries me, because this is not what Redis is designed for. Arguably, distributed locking is one of those areas. Let’s examine it in some more detail.
What are you using that lock for?
The purpose of a lock is to ensure that among several nodes that might try to do the same piece of work, only one actually does it (at least only one at a time). That work might be to write some data to a shared storage system, to perform some computation, to call some external API, or suchlike. At a high level, there are two reasons why you might want a lock in a distributed application: for efficiency or for correctness [2]. To distinguish these cases, you can ask what would happen if the lock failed:
- Efficiency: Taking a lock saves you from unnecessarily doing the same work twice (e.g. some expensive computation). If the lock fails and two nodes end up doing the same piece of work, the result is a minor increase in cost (you end up paying 5 cents more to AWS than you otherwise would have) or a minor inconvenience (e.g. a user ends up getting the same email notification twice).
- Correctness: Taking a lock prevents concurrent processes from stepping on each others’ toes and messing up the state of your system. If the lock fails and two nodes concurrently work on the same piece of data, the result is a corrupted file, data loss, permanent inconsistency, the wrong dose of a drug administered to a patient, or some other serious problem.
Both are valid cases for wanting a lock, but you need to be very clear about which one of the two you are dealing with.
I will argue that if you are using locks merely for efficiency purposes, it is unnecessary to incur the cost and complexity of Redlock, running 5 Redis servers and checking for a majority to acquire your lock. You are better off just using a single Redis instance, perhaps with asynchronous replication to a secondary instance in case the primary crashes.
If you use a single Redis instance, of course you will drop some locks if the power suddenly goes out on your Redis node, or something else goes wrong. But if you’re only using the locks as an efficiency optimization, and the crashes don’t happen too often, that’s no big deal. This “no big deal” scenario is where Redis shines. At least if you’re relying on a single Redis instance, it is clear to everyone who looks at the system that the locks are approximate, and only to be used for non-critical purposes.
On the other hand, the Redlock algorithm, with its 5 replicas and majority voting, looks at first glance as though it is suitable for situations in which your locking is important for correctness. I will argue in the following sections that it is not suitable for that purpose. For the rest of this article we will assume that your locks are important for correctness, and that it is a serious bug if two different nodes concurrently believe that they are holding the same lock.
Protecting a resource with a lock
Let’s leave the particulars of Redlock aside for a moment, and discuss how a distributed lock is used in general (independent of the particular locking algorithm used). It’s important to remember that a lock in a distributed system is not like a mutex in a multi-threaded application. It’s a more complicated beast, due to the problem that different nodes and the network can all fail independently in various ways.
For example, say you have an application in which a client needs to update a file in shared storage (e.g. HDFS or S3). A client first acquires the lock, then reads the file, makes some changes, writes the modified file back, and finally releases the lock. The lock prevents two clients from performing this read-modify-write cycle concurrently, which would result in lost updates. The code might look something like this:
function writeData(filename, data) {
var lock = lockService.acquireLock(filename);
if (!lock) {
throw 'Failed to acquire lock';
try {
var file = storage.readFile(filename);
var updated = updateContents(file, data);
storage.writeFile(filename, updated);
} finally {
Unfortunately, even if you have a perfect lock service, the code above is broken. The following diagram shows how you can end up with corrupted data:
This is indeed similar to what I'm thinking about doing. In fact I'm thinking about having each client create a child znode under a well known znode, say /root/app_name with the name lock_hostName ,where hostName is the name of the physical node hosting the client. At any point in time, there could be just one child underneath /root/app. Then every time, a client successfully acquires a lock, it'd check for existence of children of /root/app. If there's none, the lock is legitimate (in the sense that it was NOT obtained by the current client due to a split brain kind of situation caused by the loss of connectivity of the previous lock owning client with ZK). Under such conditions, the current client can proceed with the work (that can be done by only ONE process at a time), and finally removes the child zNode before releasing the lock. If on the other hand, the client discovers a child under /root/app, it should throw up its arms and generate a FATAL alert, that should probably be resolved with manual intervention.
Sorry for the long post. But, may be you can share some valuable feedback/thoughts on this approach.