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Gradle tricks – display dependencies for all subprojects in multi-project build
Posted: 2014-11-13 in Tricks & TipsTags: gradle, groovy, tutorial
gradle dependencies
allows to display dependencies in your project printed as pretty ascii tree. Unfortunately it does not work well for submodules in multi-project build. I was not able to find satisfactory solution on the web, so after worked out my own that blog post arose.
Multiple subprojects
For multi-project builds gradle dependencies
called in the root directory unexpectedly displays no dependencies:
If gradle is configured to run tasks in parallel, this wil make the output useless, because it interweaves output from the different subprojects.
I added this to solve it:
// Create a chain of dependencies between all sub project’s “allDeps” tasks, so that the output is linear
// even when we run gradle in default “–parallel” mode.
def allSubProjects = subprojects as List
for (def index = 1; index < allSubProjects.size; ++index) {
allSubProjects[index].tasks.allDeps.dependsOn allSubProjects[index – 1].tasks.allDeps
Thanks for sharing. That in fact could be some problem, but for most of the projects I worked with it was doable to just wait a little bit longer executing just that one task. However then, you need to remember to disable the parallel mode :).
Btw, what Gradle version do you use? I believe in one of the Gradle versions released this year I have seen an improvement which was sorting out the console output in the parallel mode. Therefore, maybe it is already fixed out-of-box in 4.10?