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Closed 10 years ago by danben, cletus, Nifle, Pascal Cuoq, Josh.
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I'm setting up an old wireless router for a friend which uses WEP (Yeah, very old, not actually very secure, but enough to keep the non-technical people in her apartment complex from sucking bandwidth) and I need to have a 10 digit hexadecimal key as the password.
So the question is, what english words can be made using the hexadecimal character set:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A B C D E F
BEEF is an example. I think that leet character would be allowed as well, So the number 0 could be used for the letter o. This lets you make the word BEA7.
not programming related but... beef, feed, bee, bade, bad, bead, dead, deed, deaf, add, ace, cede – cletus Mar 6 '10 at 23:47
egrep -i '[a-foilstge]+' /usr/share/dict/words | tr oilstge 0115793 | tr A-Z a-z – Andrew McGregor Mar 7 '10 at 0:06
Because of the way you worded this, it may not be programming appropriate, but in actuality, embedded programmers use these regularly to make memory dumps and debugging easier to visualize. – Harvey Mar 7 '10 at 1:20
Java CAFEBABE, COFEEBABE or DEADBEEF for instance. You might like to check HexWords or Ned Batchelder Hex Words for a lot more examples.
in hex, 0xCAFEBABE
is the magic number that starts every Java class file. artima.com/insidejvm/whyCAFEBABE.html
– Bill the Lizard
Mar 7 '10 at 1:24
, as it is long, strict hex and a well known IT security concept. I also like decade
. Phrases are also cool: a dead beef bedded a defaced babe
– Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心法轮功六四事件
Nov 13 '14 at 9:47
I've always used my home phone number. But voting to migrate this to superuser.
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