This is a script ( to get the utilization of the pods in deployment based on the usage and configured limits
Inspired by the answers of @lentzi90 and @ylogx, I have created own big script which shows actual resource usage (kubectl top pods ) and resource requests and limits:
join -a1 -a2 -o 0,1.2,1.3,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5, -e '<none>' <(kubectl top pods) <(kubectl get pods -o,"CPU_REQ(cores)":.spec.containers[*].resources.requests.cpu,"MEMORY_REQ(bytes)":.spec.containers[*].resources.requests.memory,"CPU_LIM(cores)":.spec.containers[*].resources.limits.cpu,"MEMORY_LIM(bytes)":.spec.containers[*].resources.limits.memory) | column -t -s' '
output example:
NAME CPU(cores) MEMORY(bytes) CPU_REQ(cores) MEMORY_REQ(bytes) CPU_LIM(cores) MEMORY_LIM(bytes)
xxxxx-847dbbc4c-c6twt 20m 110Mi 50m 150Mi 150m 250Mi
xxx-service-7b6b9558fc-9cq5b 19m 1304Mi 1 <none> 1 <none>
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-hook-5d585b449b-zfxmh 0m 46Mi 200m 155M 200m 155M
Here is the alias for you to just use kstats in your terminal:
alias kstats='join -a1 -a2 -o 0,1.2,1.3,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5, -e '"'"'<none>'"'"' <(kubectl top pods) <(kubectl get pods -o,"CPU_REQ(cores)":.spec.containers[*].resources.requests.cpu,"MEMORY_REQ(bytes)":.spec.containers[*].resources.requests.memory,"CPU_LIM(cores)":.spec.containers[*].resources.limits.cpu,"MEMORY_LIM(bytes)":.spec.containers[*].resources.limits.memory) | column -t -s'"'"' '"'"
P.S. I've tested scripts only on my mac, for linux and windows it may require some changes
This is a script ( to get the utilization of the pods in deployment based on the usage and configured limits
@amelbakry I am getting the following error trying to execute it on a Mac:
Failed to execute process './'. Reason:
exec: Exec format error
The file './' is marked as an executable but could not be run by the operating system.
This comment was left via email reply.
on Sep 25, 2019
"#!" needs to be the very first line. Instead try "bash
./" to work around the issue.
PS. PR opened to fix the issue
@cgthayer You might want to apply that PR fix globally. Also, when I ran the scripts on MacOs Mojave, a bunch of errors showed up, including EU specific zone names which I don't use. Looks like these scripts have been written for a specific project.
Here's a modified version of the join ex. which does totals of columns as well.
oc_ns_pod_usage () {
# show pod usage for cpu/mem
usage_chk3 "$ns" || return 1
printf "$ns\n"
separator=$(printf '=%.0s' {1..50})
printf "$separator\n"
output=$(join -a1 -a2 -o 0,1.2,1.3,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5, -e '<none>' \
<(kubectl top pods -n $ns) \
<(kubectl get -n $ns pods -o,"CPU_REQ(cores)":.spec.containers[*].resources.requests.cpu,"MEMORY_REQ(bytes)":.spec.containers[*].resources.requests.memory,"CPU_LIM(cores)":.spec.containers[*].resources.limits.cpu,"MEMORY_LIM(bytes)":.spec.containers[*].resources.limits.memory))
totals=$(printf "%s" "$output" | awk '{s+=$2; t+=$3; u+=$4; v+=$5; w+=$6; x+=$7} END {print s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x}')
printf "%s\n%s\nTotals: %s\n" "$output" "$separator" "$totals" | column -t -s' '
printf "$separator\n"
$ oc_ns_pod_usage ls-indexer
NAME CPU(cores) MEMORY(bytes) CPU_REQ(cores) MEMORY_REQ(bytes) CPU_LIM(cores) MEMORY_LIM(bytes)
ls-indexer-f5-7cd5859997-qsfrp 15m 741Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-f5-7cd5859997-sclvg 15m 735Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-4b7j2 92m 1103Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-5xj5l 88m 1124Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-6vvl2 92m 1132Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-85f66 85m 1151Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-924jz 96m 1124Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-g6gx8 119m 1119Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-hkhnt 52m 819Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-hrsrs 51m 1122Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-j4qxm 53m 885Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-lxlrb 83m 1215Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-mw6rt 86m 1131Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-pbdf8 95m 1115Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-qk9bm 91m 1141Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-sdv9r 54m 1194Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-t67v6 75m 1234Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-tkxs2 88m 1364Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-v6jl2 53m 747Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-filebeat-7858f56c9-wkqr7 53m 838Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-metricbeat-74d89d7d85-jp8qc 190m 1191Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-metricbeat-74d89d7d85-jv4bv 192m 1162Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-metricbeat-74d89d7d85-k4dcd 194m 1144Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-metricbeat-74d89d7d85-n46tz 192m 1155Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-packetbeat-db98f6fdf-8x446 35m 1198Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-packetbeat-db98f6fdf-gmxxd 22m 1203Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-syslog-5466bc4d4f-gzxw8 27m 1125Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
ls-indexer-syslog-5466bc4d4f-zh7st 29m 1153Mi 1 1000Mi 2 2000Mi
Totals: 2317 30365 28 28000 56 56000
I would like to also share my tools ;-) kubectl-view-allocations: kubectl plugin to list allocations (cpu, memory, gpu,... X requested, limit, allocatable,...)., request are welcome.
I made it because I would like to provide to my (internal) users a way to see "who allocates what". By default every resources are displayed, but in the following sample I only request resource with "gpu" in name.
> kubectl-view-allocations -r gpu
Resource Requested %Requested Limit %Limit Allocatable Free 7 58% 7 58% 12 5
├─ node-gpu1 1 50% 1 50% 2 1
│ └─ xxxx-784dd998f4-zt9dh 1 1
├─ node-gpu2 0 0% 0 0% 2 2
├─ node-gpu3 0 0% 0 0% 2 2
├─ node-gpu4 1 50% 1 50% 2 1
│ └─ aaaa-1571819245-5ql82 1 1
├─ node-gpu5 2 100% 2 100% 2 0
│ ├─ bbbb-1571738839-dfkhn 1 1
│ └─ bbbb-1571738888-52c4w 1 1
└─ node-gpu6 2 100% 2 100% 2 0
├─ bbbb-1571738688-vlxng 1 1
└─ cccc-1571745684-7k6bn 1 1
coming version(s):
- will allow to hide (node, pod) level or to choose how to group, (eg to provide an overview with only resources)
- installation via curl, krew, brew, ... (currently binary are available under the releases section of github)
Thanks to kubectl-view-utilization for the inspiration, but adding support to other resources was to many copy/paste or hard to do for me in bash (for a generic way).
here is my hack kubectl describe nodes | grep -A 2 -e "^\\s*CPU Requests"
This doesn't work anymore :(
Give kubectl describe node | grep -A5 "Allocated" a try
This is currently the 4th highest requested issue by thumbs up, but still is priority/backlog .
I'd be happy to take a stab at this if someone could point me in the right direction or if we could finalize a proposal. I think the UX of @davidB's tool is awesome, but this really belongs in the core kubectl .
Using the following comands: kubectl top nodes & kubectl describe node we do not get consistent results
For example with the first one the CPU(cores) are 1064m but this result cannot be fetched with the second one(1480m):
kubectl top nodes
abcd-p174e23ea5qa4g279446c803f82-abc-node-0 1064m 53% 6783Mi 88%
kubectl describe node abcd-p174e23ea5qa4g279446c803f82-abc-node-0
Resource Requests Limits
-------- -------- ------
cpu 1480m (74%) 1300m (65%)
memory 2981486848 (37%) 1588314624 (19%)
Any idea about getting the CPU(cores) without using the kubectl top nodes ?
I would like to also share my tools ;-) kubectl-view-allocations: kubectl plugin to list allocations (cpu, memory, gpu,... X requested, limit, allocatable,...)., request are welcome.
I made it because I would like to provide to my (internal) users a way to see "who allocates what". By default every resources are displayed, but in the following sample I only request resource with "gpu" in name.
> kubectl-view-allocations -r gpu
Resource Requested %Requested Limit %Limit Allocatable Free 7 58% 7 58% 12 5
├─ node-gpu1 1 50% 1 50% 2 1
│ └─ xxxx-784dd998f4-zt9dh 1 1
├─ node-gpu2 0 0% 0 0% 2 2
├─ node-gpu3 0 0% 0 0% 2 2
├─ node-gpu4 1 50% 1 50% 2 1
│ └─ aaaa-1571819245-5ql82 1 1
├─ node-gpu5 2 100% 2 100% 2 0
│ ├─ bbbb-1571738839-dfkhn 1 1
│ └─ bbbb-1571738888-52c4w 1 1
└─ node-gpu6 2 100% 2 100% 2 0
├─ bbbb-1571738688-vlxng 1 1
└─ cccc-1571745684-7k6bn 1 1
coming version(s):
* will allow to hide (node, pod) level or to choose how to group, (eg to provide an overview with only resources)
* installation via curl, krew, brew, ... (currently binary are available under the releases section of github)
Thanks to kubectl-view-utilization for the inspiration, but adding support to other resources was to many copy/paste or hard to do for me in bash (for a generic way).
Hello David it would be nice if you provide more compiled binary for new distributions. On Ubuntu 16.04 we get
kubectl-view-allocations: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.25' not found (required by kubectl-view-allocations)
dpkg -l |grep glib
ii libglib2.0-0:amd64 2.48.2-0ubuntu4.4
My way to obtain the allocation, cluster-wide:
$ kubectl get po --all-namespaces -o=jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{.metadata.namespace}:{}{'\n'}{range .spec.containers[*]} {.name}:{.resources.requests.cpu}{'\n'}{end}{'\n'}{end}"
It produces something like:
by far the best answer here.
Inspired by the scripts above I created the following script to view the usage, requests and limits:
join -1 2 -2 2 -a 1 -a 2 -o "2.1 0 1.3 2.3 2.5 1.4 2.4 2.6" -e '<wait>' \
<( kubectl top pods --all-namespaces | sort --key 2 -b ) \
<( kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o custom-columns=NAMESPACE:.metadata.namespace,,"CPU_REQ(cores)":.spec.containers[*].resources.requests.cpu,"MEMORY_REQ(bytes)":.spec.containers[*].resources.requests.memory,"CPU_LIM(cores)":.spec.containers[*].resources.limits.cpu,"MEMORY_LIM(bytes)":.spec.containers[*].resources.limits.memory | sort --key 2 -b ) \
| column -t -s' '
Because the join shell script expects a sorted list, the scripts given above failed for me.
You see as a result the current usage from top and from the deployment the requests and the limits of (here) all namespaces:
NAMESPACE NAME CPU(cores) CPU_REQ(cores) CPU_LIM(cores) MEMORY(bytes) MEMORY_REQ(bytes) MEMORY_LIM(bytes)
kube-system aws-node-2jzxr 18m 10m <none> 41Mi <none> <none>
kube-system aws-node-5zn6w <wait> 10m <none> <wait> <none> <none>
kube-system aws-node-h8cc5 20m 10m <none> 42Mi <none> <none>
kube-system aws-node-h9n4f 0m 10m <none> 0Mi <none> <none>
kube-system aws-node-lz5fn 17m 10m <none> 41Mi <none> <none>
kube-system aws-node-tpmxr 20m 10m <none> 39Mi <none> <none>
kube-system aws-node-zbkkh 23m 10m <none> 47Mi <none> <none>
cluster-autoscaler cluster-autoscaler-aws-cluster-autoscaler-5db55fbcf8-mdzkd 1m 100m 500m 9Mi 300Mi 500Mi
cluster-autoscaler cluster-autoscaler-aws-cluster-autoscaler-5db55fbcf8-q9xs8 39m 100m 500m 75Mi 300Mi 500Mi
kube-system coredns-56b56b56cd-bb26t 6m 100m <none> 11Mi 70Mi 170Mi
kube-system coredns-56b56b56cd-nhp58 6m 100m <none> 11Mi 70Mi 170Mi
kube-system coredns-56b56b56cd-wrmxv 7m 100m <none> 12Mi 70Mi 170Mi
gitlab-runner-l gitlab-runner-l-gitlab-runner-6b8b85f87f-9knnx 3m 100m 200m 10Mi 128Mi 256Mi
gitlab-runner-m gitlab-runner-m-gitlab-runner-6bfd5d6c84-t5nrd 7m 100m 200m 13Mi 128Mi 256Mi
gitlab-runner-mda gitlab-runner-mda-gitlab-runner-59bb66c8dd-bd9xw 4m 100m 200m 17Mi 128Mi 256Mi
gitlab-runner-ops gitlab-runner-ops-gitlab-runner-7c5b85dc97-zkb4c 3m 100m 200m 12Mi 128Mi 256Mi
gitlab-runner-pst gitlab-runner-pst-gitlab-runner-6b8f9bf56b-sszlr 6m 100m 200m 20Mi 128Mi 256Mi
gitlab-runner-s gitlab-runner-s-gitlab-runner-6bbccb9b7b-dmwgl 50m 100m 200m 27Mi 128Mi 512Mi
gitlab-runner-shared gitlab-runner-shared-gitlab-runner-688d57477f-qgs2z 3m <none> <none> 15Mi <none> <none>
kube-system kube-proxy-5b65t 15m 100m <none> 19Mi <none> <none>
kube-system kube-proxy-7qsgh 12m 100m <none> 24Mi <none> <none>
kube-system kube-proxy-gn2qg 13m 100m <none> 23Mi <none> <none>
kube-system kube-proxy-pz7fp 15m 100m <none> 18Mi <none> <none>
kube-system kube-proxy-vdjqt 15m 100m <none> 23Mi <none> <none>
kube-system kube-proxy-x4xtp 19m 100m <none> 15Mi <none> <none>
kube-system kube-proxy-xlpn7 0m 100m <none> 0Mi <none> <none>
metrics-server metrics-server-5875c7d795-bj7cq 5m 200m 500m 29Mi 200Mi 500Mi
metrics-server metrics-server-5875c7d795-jpjjn 7m 200m 500m 29Mi 200Mi 500Mi
gitlab-runner-s runner-heq8ujaj-project-10386-concurrent-06t94f <wait> 200m,100m 200m,200m <wait> 200Mi,128Mi 500Mi,500Mi
gitlab-runner-s runner-heq8ujaj-project-10386-concurrent-10lpn9j 1m 200m,100m 200m,200m 12Mi 200Mi,128Mi 500Mi,500Mi
gitlab-runner-s runner-heq8ujaj-project-10386-concurrent-11jrxfh <wait> 200m,100m 200m,200m <wait> 200Mi,128Mi 500Mi,500Mi
gitlab-runner-s runner-heq8ujaj-project-10386-concurrent-129hpvl 1m 200m,100m 200m,200m 12Mi 200Mi,128Mi 500Mi,500Mi
gitlab-runner-s runner-heq8ujaj-project-10386-concurrent-13kswg8 1m 200m,100m 200m,200m 12Mi 200Mi,128Mi 500Mi,500Mi
gitlab-runner-s runner-heq8ujaj-project-10386-concurrent-15qhp5w <wait> 200m,100m 200m,200m <wait> 200Mi,128Mi 500Mi,500Mi
Noteworthy: You can sort over CPU consumption with e.g.:
| awk 'NR<2{print $0;next}{print $0| "sort --key 3 --numeric -b --reverse"}
This works on Mac - I am not sure, if it works on Linux, too (because of join, sort, etc...).
Hopefully, someone can use this till kubectl gets a good view for that.
I have a good experience with kube-capacity.
kube-capacity --util
* 560m (28%) 130m (7%) 40m (2%) 572Mi (9%) 770Mi (13%) 470Mi (8%)
example-node-1 220m (22%) 10m (1%) 10m (1%) 192Mi (6%) 360Mi (12%) 210Mi (7%)
example-node-2 340m (34%) 120m (12%) 30m (3%) 380Mi (13%) 410Mi (14%) 260Mi (9%)
In order for this tool to be truly useful it should detect all kubernetes device plugins deployed on cluster and show usage for all of them. CPU/Mem is definetly not enough. There's also GPUs, TPUs (for machine learning), Intel QAT and probably more I don't know about. Also what about storage? I should be able to easily see what was requested and what is used (ideally in terms of iops as well).
@boniek83 , It's why I created kubectl-view-allocations, because I need to list GPU,... any feedback (on the github project) are welcomes. I curious to know if it detects TPU (it should if it is listed as a Node's resources)
@boniek83 , It's why I created kubectl-view-allocations, because I need to list GPU,... any feedback (on the github project) are welcomes. I curious to know if it detects TPU (it should if it is listed as a Node's resources)
I'm aware of your tool and, for my purpose, it is the best that is currently available. Thanks for making it!
I will try to get TPUs tested after Easter. It would be helpful if this data would be available in web app format with pretty graphs so I wouldn't have to give any access to kubernetes to data scientists. They only want to know who is eating away resources and nothing more :)
Since none of the tools and scripts above fit my needs (and this issue is still open :( ), I hacked my own variant:
It provides a quick overview of PODs in a cluster and shows their configured memory requests and limits and the actual memory usage. The idea is to get a picture of the ratio between configured memory limits and actual usage.
How can we get memory dumps logs of the pods?
Pods are often getting hung,
kubectl describe nodes OR kubectl top nodes , which one should be considered to calculate cluster resource utilization ?
- Also Why there is difference between these 2 results.
Is there any logical explanation this yet ?
This user has previously committed to the kubernetes repository.
All the comments and hacks with nodes worked well for me. I also need something for a higher view to keep track sum of resources per node pool !
added a commit
to arunsah/
that referenced
this issue
on May 5
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