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artginzburg/MiddleClick-BigSur:  "Wheel click" with three-finger click/tap for Trackpad and Magic Mouse.

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Original source (github.com)
Tags: open-source macOS middle-click productivity-tools system-utilities github.com
Clipped on: 2022-10-26

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Image (Asset 2/58) alt=

Image (Asset 3/58) alt=

Hide Status Bar Item

  1. Holding , drag it away from the status bar until you see a ✖️ (cross icon)
  2. Let it go

To recover the item, just open MiddleClick when it's already running

Number of Fingers

  • Want to use 4, 5 or 2 fingers for middleclicking? No trouble. Even 10 is possible.
defaults write com.rouge41.middleClick fingers <int>

Initially, it's 3 fingers to middleclick.

Delay on wake

If the app starts before the trackpad/magic mouse is initialized:

Usually appears after wake from sleep, forcing the user to manually restart the app.

defaults write com.rouge41.middleClick autoRestartOnWake -int 3

Tweak the setting above to your needs. 3 seconds should be fine in most cases.

Add Login Item

Make it open automatically when you log in

Just add MiddleClick to your "Login Items".

(it's handy to be done using command line)

This fork differs from the base fork in some ways

Attention! Make sure to:

  1. Quit an old version of MiddleClick
  2. Remove it from the privacy settings
  3. Enable the new version in privacy settings when prompted

The app should be closed when you change the privacy settings, otherwise the Mouse may not be clickable and you may have to killall MiddleClick via terminal or even force restart the Mac.



 "Wheel click" with three-finger click/tap for Trackpad and Magic Mouse.








  • Objective-C 100.0%


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