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ffmpeg - Correct aspect ratio without re-encoding video file - Super User

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Tags: video-encoding howto ffmpeg aspect-ratio mp4box superuser.com
Clipped on: 2024-06-30

Image (Asset 1/47) alt= $h - resolution height
x - aspect ratio width
y - aspect ratio height


  • If you put -aspect x:y without -vf scale=$w:$h, the output will only have the change on display aspect ratio.

  • If you put -vf scale=$w:$h without -aspect x:y, the output will only have the change on the resolution.

  • The command -vf scale=$w:-1 or scale=-1:$h will not always provide the expected output so to make sure you get both change on resolution and aspect ratio, you can just use the above command line.

** I only tried this with input.mkv and output.mkv files since this is only what I am working on at the moment. Feel free to try this with the other file types.

2,85688 gold badges2929 silver badges4444 bronze badges
answered May 10, 2021 at 7:36
2111 bronze badge

ffmpeg 4.3.2 -bsf:v h264_metadata=sample_aspect_ratio=x/y gives an error on DNxHR coded Quicktime files while MP4Box writes a second line of PAR into the metadata.

Width : 720 pixels Height : 540 pixels Display aspect ratio : 16:9 Original display aspect ratio : 4:3

I tested multiple players and even an NLE and so far all display the correct aspect ratio.

answered Mar 25, 2021 at 17:07

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