Tag: history
- When the Portland Liberty Bell exploded
- Retrotechtacular: Soldering The Tek Way | Hackaday
- A Git story: Not so fun this time | Brachiosoft Blog
- bashrc/init.sh at master · fotinakis/bashrc
- unix - Unlimited Bash History - Stack Overflow
- The Pentium F00F Bug
- Chris's Wiki :: blog/unix/SbrkVersusMmap
- Security: The cleverest floppy disc protection ever? Western Security Ltd.
- (5) Indistinguishable From Magic: Manufacturing Modern Computer Chips - YouTube
- Pulp Librarian on Twitter: "In the 1970s the cost - and size - of cal…
- Pulp Librarian on Twitter
- Point-contact transistor - Wikipedia
- The Harder They Fall: The Saga of the DeLorean Motor Company > Ate Up With Motor
- BashFAQ/088 - Greg's Wiki
- Bash eternal history
- 1999 Vector M12 for a Myth-Busting $139,900!
- Inside Intel's first product: the 3101 RAM chip held just 64 bits
- Historian: Because Please, Stop Deleting My Bash History
- The Collapse of the Unix Philosophy | Hacker News
- The Collapse of the UNIX Philosophy
- Reverse-engineering the surprisingly advanced ALU of the 8008 microprocessor
- It's going to be okay. - The Oatmeal
- Facebook trapped in MySQL ‘fate worse than death’
- Archiving a (WordPress) website with wget | D’Arcy Norman dot net
- How does FreeSWITCH compare to Asterisk? | FreeSWITCH