Tag: humor
- fastest code - High throughput Fizz Buzz - Code Golf Stack Exchange
- This Word Does Not Exist
- I bookmarked this tweet from 2012 - "I wish I had enough money to run Oracle ins... | Hacker News
- Programming Pearls by Jon Bentley (CS Quotes)
- Jokes - Work - Prepare Three Envelopes
- 404 — Bitbucket
- The software engineer’s guide to asserting dominance in the workplace — Hacker Daily
- The Anorexic Startup
- errno(2) codes - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
- What Programmers Say vs. What They Mean - Imgur
- Infosec Reactions
- Building Scalable DNS Cluster using LVS - LVSKB
- One Div Zero: A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages
- wait but why: 11 Awkward Things About Email
- The Evolution of a Haskell Programmer