Tag: scala
- src-d/engine
- Scala Scripting and the 15 Minute Blog Engine
- From first principles: Why I bet on Scala.js
- GravityLabs/goose
- jrudolph/sbt-dependency-graph
- Define custom ElasticSearch Analyzer using Java API - Stack Overflow
- Plugins — sbt Documentation
- Scala, Slick & PostgreSQL Unit Tests
- Let's Have a War • Slick Connection Pooling
- Introduction to Scala
- Actors — Akka Documentation
- Path Filters · spray/spray Wiki
- spray | Documentation » 1.1-SNAPSHOT » spray-routing
- spray/spray-json
- Blogging Platform for Hackers
- parameters - scala tuple unpacking - Stack Overflow
- Scala classOf for type parameter - Stack Overflow
- Scala classOf for type parameter: how to call the function and how to restrict with upper type bounds - Stack Overflow
- implicits - Scala Identifier "implicitly" - Stack Overflow
- What do <:<, <%<, and =:= mean in Scala 2.8, and where are they documented? - Stack Overflow
- Get companion object of class by given generic type Scala - Stack Overflow
- class - Why is the Manifest not available in the constructor? - Stack Overflow
- functional programming - What is the difference between scala self-types and trait subclasses? - Stack Overflow
- class - Why is the Manifest not available in the constructor? - Stack Overflow
- Regex and Pattern Matching in Scala - Stack Overflow
- Getting Started with Play 2, Scala, and Squeryl
- Pimp my Library
- Scala use is less good than Java use for at least half of all Java projects - Java Code Geeks
- Jim McBeath: Scala Parser Combinators
- ls / seratch / scalikejdbc
- generics - Scala covariance / contravariance question - Stack Overflow
- org.quartz.ObjectAlreadyExistsException: Unable to store Job : 'DEFAULT.job1group1', because one alr
- milessabin/shapeless - Generic/Polytypic programming in Scala