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Clipped on: 2018-12-07

- From: Katrin Schweitzer <Katrin Schweitzer ims uni-stuttgart de>
- To: dia-list gnome org
- Subject: Re: Dia stopped working on Mac OSX 10.11.3 (El Capitan): when trying to launch, xterm launches.
- Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2016 09:06:26 +1300
Thanks everyone for the help!
Alejandro's instructions did the trick - everything works perfectly fine now!
Alejandro's instructions did the trick - everything works perfectly fine now!
(It didn't even require a reboot).
Today's Topics:
1. Re: Dia stopped working on Mac OSX 10.11.3 (El Capitan): when
trying to launch, xterm launches. (Michael Ross)
2. Re: Dia stopped working on Mac OSX 10.11.3 (El Capitan): when
trying to launch, xterm launches. (Alejandro Imass)
3. Re: Dia stopped working on Mac OSX 10.11.3 (El Capitan): when
trying to launch, xterm launches. (Alejandro Imass)
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2016 09:25:04 -0500
From: Michael Ross <michael e ross gmail com>
To: discussions about usage and development of dia
<dia-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: Dia stopped working on Mac OSX 10.11.3 (El Capitan): when
trying to launch, xterm launches.
<CANNQeoKeLuU8aK5dVGU8vZDs_pfUWU8YSQgfSksS=yd-iYX70Q mail gmail com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
I don't really know, and I use Windows, but I have had unknown corruption
of the install where uninstalling and reinstalling has solved problems. You
may want to download a fresh distribution and delete what you currently
Best of luck,
On Mar 3, 2016 11:36 PM, "Katrin Schweitzer" <
Katrin Schweitzer ims uni-stuttgart de> wrote:
> Dear list,
> I just recently started using Dia on Mac OSX 10.11.3 and it seemed to
> work fine.
> However, suddenly it won't start any more.
> The problem started, when I minimized Dia and couldn't get the windows
> back. I force-quit it and trie to restart. Then, I received an error
> message that seems to be typical with many Mac applications "The
> application Dia.app is not open anymore" and that supposedly is fixed by a
> reboot. After rebooting, Dia won't start either.
> When I try to open the application now, xterm launches. Nothing else
> happens.
> Can anyone kindly point me to what to do (or where to research further)?
> I am creating a talk with a bit of time pressure and would reeeeally like
> to be able to access my Dia graphs... :-)
> Thank you for your help!
> Kati
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> dia-list gnome org
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Message: 2
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2016 09:51:41 -0500
From: Alejandro Imass <aimass yabarana com>
To: discussions about usage and development of dia
<dia-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: Dia stopped working on Mac OSX 10.11.3 (El Capitan): when
trying to launch, xterm launches.
<CAHieY7R6woy3ydbq6NP3uFnDTAOCQL2aKCA5tMFEBk9AbpQd=A mail gmail com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 11:35 PM, Katrin Schweitzer <
Katrin Schweitzer ims uni-stuttgart de> wrote:
> Dear list,
> I just recently started using Dia on Mac OSX 10.11.3 and it seemed to
> work fine.
> However, suddenly it won't start any more.
> The problem started, when I minimized Dia and couldn't get the windows
> back.
You get the window back through the XQuartz menu, not through OS X icons.
In other words, all X11 apps run inside the XQuartz container so to speak,
so even though the OS as such sees the process, then native OS X Windowing
system only knows about XQuartz.
> I force-quit it and trie to restart. Then, I received an error message
> that seems to be typical with many Mac applications "The application
> Dia.app is not open anymore" and that supposedly is fixed by a reboot.
> After rebooting, Dia won't start either.
> When I try to open the application now, xterm launches. Nothing else
> happens.
> Can anyone kindly point me to what to do (or where to research further)?
1. Locate Dia.app (usually in /Applications)
2. Show contents (or use a terminal shell to cd to the directory in the
following step)
3. cd to Dia.app/Contents/Resources/bin
4. Edit the file dia
5. After line 39 add the line export DISPLAY=:0
6. Save the file and exit
7. Close XQuartz if it's running
8. Start DIA again and it should start, if not restart computer and should
If it doesn't work, please post the modified dia shell script here.
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Message: 3
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2016 09:54:19 -0500
From: Alejandro Imass <aimass yabarana com>
To: discussions about usage and development of dia
<dia-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: Dia stopped working on Mac OSX 10.11.3 (El Capitan): when
trying to launch, xterm launches.
<CAHieY7Q2TQHn0SoYi1ONeYcKtcCZJ8T0Q7rLyvi6aPrqr+AaOg mail gmail com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 9:51 AM, Alejandro Imass <aimass yabarana com> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 11:35 PM, Katrin Schweitzer <
> Katrin Schweitzer ims uni-stuttgart de> wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> I just recently started using Dia on Mac OSX 10.11.3 and it seemed to
>> work fine.
>> However, suddenly it won't start any more.
>> The problem started, when I minimized Dia and couldn't get the windows
>> back.
> You get the window back through the XQuartz menu, not through OS X icons.
> In other words, all X11 apps run inside the XQuartz container so to speak,
> so even though the OS as such sees the process, then native OS X Windowing
> system only knows about XQuartz.
>> I force-quit it and trie to restart. Then, I received an error message
>> that seems to be typical with many Mac applications "The application
>> Dia.app is not open anymore" and that supposedly is fixed by a reboot.
>> After rebooting, Dia won't start either.
>> When I try to open the application now, xterm launches. Nothing else
>> happens.
>> Can anyone kindly point me to what to do (or where to research further)?
> 1. Locate Dia.app (usually in /Applications)
> 2. Show contents (or use a terminal shell to cd to the directory in the
> following step)
> 3. cd to Dia.app/Contents/Resources/bin
> 4. Edit the file dia
> 5. After line 39 add the line export DISPLAY=:0
> 6. Save the file and exit
> 7. Close XQuartz if it's running
> 8. Start DIA again and it should start, if not restart computer and should
> work
> If it doesn't work, please post the modified dia shell script here.
> Best,
> Alex
Also make sure you have the latest version from Sourceforge, not the older
binary that came directly from dia-installer. The new dia-installer page
should redirect to the SF download site. But you still need to edit the
file as described.
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Dr. Katrin Schweitzer
IMS, Uni Stuttgart
+49 (0)711 685 8 4589
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