Jay Taylor's notes

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Tags: Mac apple tools macOS app-store github.com
Clipped on: 2019-01-16

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Helpers for OS X packaging and MacAdmins



Helpers for macOS packaging and MacAdmins

AppStore Extractor Script

A script to extract installer packages from the Mac App Store.

Adobe CCP Recipe Generator Script

A script to produce all needed override files to package all Adobe CC products using AutoPkg.

Disable 802.1x code snippet

A little code snippet to disable the 802.1x automatic connection.

Jamf Database Converter Script

A script to help you convert all tables in your MySQL DB from MyISAM to InnoDB.

Mozilla Firefox PackageBuilder Script

A package build script to download the full installer from Mozilla and bake some AddOns and Language packs and various configurations into the package for deployment inside your organisation.

PackageBuilder Script for Microsoft Office 2016 and 2019

A package build script to download the full installer from Microsoft and bake the volume license and various configurations into the package for deployment inside your organisation.

Other stuff

EndnoteSandboxAccess (retired project)

An unsuccessful atempt to build a helper app to programmatically grant access to the EndNote settings file for Microsoft Word 2016. Unfortunately, this is not funcional without a proper certificate (probably from Thomson Reuters). But the code may help to implement security-scoped bookmarks in your projects.

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