Even if you don’t find the tool useful, the implementation under the hood is very clever. The dependency graph between the jobs is stored as a bunch of live processes flock()ing on each other’s log files. Once the files are unlocked, the process execs the requested job. This makes the scheduling and error handling code much simpler. Also, right now the dependency graph is dense (a job depends on all previous jobs) but it would be straightforward to thin it out to allow parallel jobs.Overall, a clever trick I intend to steal.
Agreed! I think the general principle of doing UNIXy stuff is "use the capabilities of processes and the filesystem your units of abstraction". It comes out quite nicely sometimes. Another example is SLURM, where processes are used as context managers for keeping track of allocations.
Yes, but it's too bad it creates litter wherever you run it. I'd rather it stored all those logs under ~/.cache/ like the other well behaved utilities, in text files like it does or in a searchable SQLite database.
From the man page: NQDIR Directory where lock files/job output resides.
Each NQDIR can be considered a separate queue.
Whether or not the default should be $XDG_CACHE_HOME/nq/<something> is a different question. For my own use cases with nq I like the current directory being used, but it would obviously be just as easy for me to set `NQDIR=.`.
This is addressed directly in the first section of the README:> By default, job ids are per-directory, but you can set $NQDIR to put them elsewhere. Creating nq wrappers setting $NQDIR to provide different queues for different purposes is encouraged.
The AIX print spooler can be used as a generic queueing system - I remember setting up queues with shells as backends. Jobs sent to those queues would then be executed in sequence, and could be cancelled/reprioritized/etc like any print job.Can't claim any credit for the idea though, it was actually suggested in the documentation... It might be possible on other unix systems too, but I never had to try it.
I once wrote a backend for what I think of as "the SysV print spooler" (hpux7/8, d-nix, and maybe AIX, but IIRC there were some subtle differences with AIX) to run rayshade on the files fed in and drop the resulting image back somewhere (this was ~30 years ago, I don't exactly recall the details).I recall consider doing it for the SunOS box we had, but lpd/lpr (what I think of as "the BSD print spooler") was sufficiently different that while it would have been possible, it wasn't worth the extra hassle to get one more machine to be able to render on. I don't think we ever set it up to shuffle render spool jobs from one host to another, though. And, no, "doing raytracing" was not at ALL what the machines were supposed to do, they just weren't very loaded from their normal workloads, so some of the staff played around with it for fun.
Always happy to see my stuff getting recommended :D
Damn that's a precious tool. Thank you for showing it to me!
I second the recommendation for task spooler, which seems to cover similar ground to nq. It's a really nice way to queue simple long-running tasks without having to write code or set up infrastructure.
I wrote an answer on Super User [0] on how to use this neat tool. There are use cases where it really comes in handy. For example when copying a lot of files around to various folders that sits on the same disk so that you can assume that it won't run efficiently in parallel.When I think of it even lftp has queue and jobs commands. But "task spooler" is the generic tool you can use for more general use cases than file copying. 0. https://superuser.com/questions/220364/how-to-run-commands-a...
I have used tsp to send hundres of millions of euros for a company. great toolWish it has chaining of commands - if xx fails then do yyy
Excellent writeup, thank you!
Heh, I use ts(1) on a fairly regular basis. It is a very nice tool, and it even supports multiple job queues via environment variables.
This. Taskspooler is a powerful but simple tool that seems to be fairly unknown.
I knew about it, but years go by and I can't honestly say that I ever needed it.
Great little tool. Sends error on fails.. Just wish it had chaining of commands.
What I really want is a way to define a graph of tasks and dependencies, and then execute it across n workers.Something like parq add --task-name wget1 wget http://example.com/foo.json
parq add --task-name wget2 wget http://example.com/bar.json
parq add --dependencies wget1,wget2 jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' foo.json bar.json
parq run -n 2 # executes wget1 and wget2 in parallel using two workers, then merges them with jq
Hi!Consider trying redo[0]. It's an idea of D. J. Bernstein (a.k.a. djb) what could already be a good advertising. Your problem can be solved with make as it pointed by others but I see a wonderful example where redo's target files are pretty clear describing what redo can do. redo's target files are usually SHELL-scripts but they can be whatever you want if it can be executed by a kernel. `redo-ifchange file1` is a command which waits until file1 have been rebuilt or, by other words, waits until a file1's target file have been executed if it requires. There are 4 target files to show how to solve your problem --- downloading and merging two files: all.do file is DEPS="foo.json bar.json"
redo-ifchange $DEPS
jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' $DEPS
foo.json.do file is curl "http://example.com/foo.json" # redo guarantees that any errors won't update foo.json as it can happen in make world.
bar.json.do file is curl "http://example.com/bar.json"
After creating these files you could write `redo all` (or just `redo`) and it will create a graph of deps and will execute them in parallel --- foo.json and bar.json will be downloading at the same time.I'd recommend getting started with a Go version of redo --- goredo[1] by stargrave. There is also a link to documentations, FAQ and other implementations on the web-site. [0] http://cr.yp.to/redo.html [1] http://www.goredo.cypherpunks.ru
I'll note that nq's author also has a redo implementation¹. Being generally redo curious I've wondered a few times why their other projects(nq/mblaze/etc) don't use redo, but never actually asked.¹ https://github.com/leahneukirchen/redo-c
Use a Makefile? e.g., GNU make can perform parallel execution.
$ make jq -j2 -f - <<EOF
wget file1
wget file2
jq: file1 file2
jq file1 file2
Could probably make some syntactic sugar for this.
you can use semicolon instead of \n\t for a neater file
What you're looking for is in the class of tools known as batch schedulers. Most commonly these are used on HPC clusters, but you can use them on any size machine.There are a number of tools in this category, and like others have mentioned, my first try would be Make, if that is an option for you. However, I normally work on HPC clusters, so submitting jobs is incredibly common for me. To keep with that workflow without needing to install SLURM or SGE on my laptop (which I've done before!?!?), my entry into this mix is here: https://github.com/compgen-io/sbs. It is a single-file Python3 script. My version is setup to only run across one node, but you can have as many worker threads as you need. For what you asked for, you'd run something like this: $ sbs submit -- wget http://example.com/foo.json
$ sbs submit -- wget http://example.com/bar.json
$ sbs submit -afterok 1:2 -cmd jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' foo.json bar.json
$ sbs run -maxprocs 2
This isn't heavily tested code, but works for the use-case I had (having a single-file batch scheduler for when I'm not on an HPC cluster, and testing my pipeline definition language). Normally, it assumes the parameters (CPUs, Memory, etc) are present as comments in a submitted bash script (as is the norm in HPC-land). However, I also added an option to directly submit a command. stdout/stderr are all captured and stored.The job runner also has a daemon mode, so you can keep it running in the background if you'd like to have things running on demand. Installation is as simple as copying the sbs script someplace in your $PATH (with Python3 installed). You should also set the ENV var $SBSHOME, if you'd like to have a common place for jobs. The usage is very similar to many HPC schedulers... sbs submit
sbs status
sbs run
sbs cancel
Never used OAR...I've used (and installed) PBS, SGE, and SLURM [1]. Most of the clusters I've used recently have all migrated to SLURM. Even though it's pretty feature packed, I've found it "easy enough" to install for a cluster. What is the sales pitch for OAR? Any particularly compelling features? [1] https://slurm.schedmd.com/
(I'm not an expert)OAR, according to knowledgeable people I've worked with, is robust and extensible.
all of the options can probably claim that...
I imagine in theory Snakemake, which handles dependency graph resolution , could be used to compute dependencies, and its flexible scheduler could then call nq.OTOH, if just working on one node, skip nq and use Snakemake as the scheduler as well.
$ cat Makefile
url_base := http://example.com
wget $(url_base)/%.json
.PHONY: all
all: foo.json bar.json
jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' $^
$ make -j 2
Slightly related to this, I'm building a ruby gem that lets you create such a workflow:https://gitlab.com/sdwolfz/cache_box_rb I guess some slight tweaks for task persitance and a CLI wrapper for it could let you achieve this (although I don't leverage Ractors so no true parallelism yet). Anyway, it still does not have an "official" release, nor a stable API, although the code works well and it's fully tested, as far a I can tell. I might consider providing such wrapper myself in the future as I can definitely see it's utility, but time is short nowadays.
I think Airflow and Celery can do this, although I’ve never tried it myself.
They can, but those tools are much more heavyweight than something like nq
Some other fine suggestions here, but I'll also mention that luigi should do this fine as well.
At one point we end up in is / concurrent system design. It's a very interesting topic.
Having skimmed the README, I failed to grasp what it is. I would appreciate it if the README featured a clear one-sentence summary of what the tool does. Like...> cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output > nohup - run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty > at — execute commands at a later time Anyway, it's good to see new conceptual tools being developed for the Unix Toolbox, keep up!
I think the first example is pretty good:> Build targets clean, depends, all, without occupying the terminal This accommodates a workflow where one wouldn't prefer to just open up another terminal to do other stuff (maybe you're not in a graphical environment, maybe there's no tmux, etc.). With just the shell features, one could do `make ... && make ... && make ... &`, but that would cause bothersome output that would prevent you from effectively working in the same terminal. One could redirect the output of those commands, but then you lose it, or you have to think of where to collect it. This provides an alternative where you can background and still have convenient access to the output when you need it. The other use is something like: $ nq mpv $youtube_url $ #work... work... work.... $ nq mpv $next_youtube_url so that the next starts when the first finishes.
It also offers a better history UX. For example, if you issued,make .. && make foobar && make .. and you wanted to just run 'make foobar' again you'd search your history for the last foobar invocation, and be required to do some editing. With nq this wouldn't be necessary. It's also not clear to me if nq has '&&' or ';' semantics in the event a command fails. I suspect it's ';'. Clever and fun tool but unlikely I'll adopt it.
The mpv example was my main thought. If you want to add something to a playlist using mpv's playlist feature you have to stop and restart mpv.
It probably isn't as user friendly as you'd want, but you can reload the playlist by firing commands at a socket. See the "JSON IPC" section in the mpv man page, and specifically the load* commands. jo¹ and socat² are probably the simplest way to use it if you're not looking for heavy scripting.The scriptability of mpv is really nice if you're the sort of person who likes building your perfect environment, and also a huge pit of addictive time sinks. </warning> ¹ https://github.com/jpmens/jo ² http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/
Doesn't help if you like to loop the playlist, though.
I actually wrote a more modern solution to `nq` named Pueue.
(https://github.com/Nukesor/pueue)There are a lot of examples and a FAQ section + a Wiki, if you're interested in more information why one might need such a tool.
"Lightweight job queue system" is in the first line of the README. I'm struggling to come up with any sort of better description than that.Some attempts: * shell-controllable queue of commands
* queue for running commands one after another but I still think the README's is the best.
"Lightweight" adds nothing to the description and "job" is ambiguous. I think "nq - queues the execution of background processes" would be a better description.
> I failed to grasp what it isIt queues up Unix (shell) jobs. Do you understand what's meant by a shell "job"? Like "cmd &"? Typing "cmd1 &", "cmd2 &", etc, runs jobs in parallel. "nq cmd1", "nq cmd2", runs them serially, in a queue.
How is it in practice different to something like:cmd && cmd2 & edit: From reading other comments I guess the difference is not mainly that it keeps running if the shell dies but that it allows you to easily append new stuff to the end of the queue
Also, if cmd fails, I believe it will execut cmd2. It also redirect the output of each command to a different file.
Sure, but executing cmd2 even if cmd1 fails is done with ;
Using ; will not work if you ran set -e before (eg.: if you're using it in a script). Perhaps more importantly, cmd1; cmd2 & will not work either, you'll need a subshell. So, you need at least: ( set +e; cmd1 ; cmd2 ) &. And there are probably other caveats. And we haven't even got to the output redirection yet.
The README is really not ideal and not reflecting how orthogonal/concise the tool is.Obviously it's a queue and it's as simple as `nq cmd`. Also one can see the status with `fq`
From the reading of the text, it’s a serialized job queue for arbitrary commands submitted from the command line. It’s the equivalent of “cmd1 & cmd2 & cmd3” except all are put to the background and will be run serially one after another. And new command is automatically added to the end.
You queue up terminal commands to be run in the background so that you can continue doing other things in the meantime.
> nq -- add a command to a queue that executes each command in the background strictly in the order they were added.
This is a neat little command that is kind of nice because it doesn't require a daemon like at or ts (task spooler) and does dependencies unlike a lot of informal queue techniques and job control built into the shell: $ some_command &
$ wait; another_command &
$ wait; yet_another_command &
$ ...
Some other lightweight command queue strategies:* Use a background screen or byobu session. Advantage is that you can attach to it and monitor running tasks. * bq is a bash script that lets you run a worker process and submit commands to be run in sequence. Nice because it's just a shell script.
> nq tries hard (but does not guarantee) to ensure the log file of the currently running job has +x bit set. Thus you can use ls -F to get a quick overview of the state of your queue.Is that a typo? Why would you need {ugo}+x to tail a file? [edit -- sorry, it's not tailing; somehow I read `tail -F` instead of `ls -F`.]
"ls", not "tail". I think the idea is that "ls" will visually mark files with the execute bit set, which makes them easy to pick out in a directory listing.
Sounds like they are repurposing the bit for status.
Color mode (-F) in ls will highlight executables, usually in green.
Ah! Thanks. I guess if they need a second color, they could mark the file `setuid` as well. :P This is clever, but I wouldn't trust any tool that marks not-intentionally-executable things as executable.
They are in fact executable!> Due to the initial exec line in the log files, you can resubmit a job by executing it as a shell command file, i.e. running sh $jobid. (and many shells have a legacy behavior of running a file as a script if it doesn't start with a #! line.)
> (and many shells have a legacy behavior of running a file as a script if it doesn't start with a #! line.)execlp and execvp are actually guaranteed to do this in POSIX-2017, although shells might also do this themselves if they resolve $PATH by themselves.
-F appends a character to dentry names indicating what kind they are (directory '/' , named pipe '=', executable '*', ... symlink? dunno what else)my `man ls` has: -F, --classify
append indicator (one of */=>@|) to entries
I think this can be useful to run with git hooks. It can branch off builds etc at commit. For quick and dirty continuous integration.
I'm surprised nobody seems to have mentioned run-parts(8) in this thread:⌘ https://man.archlinux.org/man/run-parts.8 Many Linux distros use this command in the global crontab to serialise daily, weekly, monthly and annual batch jobs.
So this is somehow a better version of &? Supporting only a single queue makes this no different than `nohup`, etc.Even the examples provided describe what can already be done by appending a simple & to a command: % mkdir -p /tmp/downloads
% alias qget='NQDIR=/tmp/downloads nq wget'
% alias qwait='NQDIR=/tmp/downloads fq -q'
window1% qget http://mymirror/big1.iso
window2% qget http://mymirror/big2.iso
what about? wget http://mymirror/big1.iso &
wget http://mymirror/big2.iso &
It all just seems to be trying very hard to be something it's not, but I can't put my finger on it.
You're aware that & doesn't actually queue, right? That would run all commands in parallel. nq runs them serially.
So this? ( wget http://mymirror/big1.iso; wget http://mymirror/big2.iso ) &
I see, what about this then?:)Run the queue: mkfifo q
( while True; do sh q; done ) &
Schedule jobs: echo wget http://mymirror/big1.iso > q
echo wget http://mymirror/big1.iso > q
This has the added benefit of supporting multiple queues.
Watch out, FIFOs don't have buffers, so that echo will block. Running the echos in the background causes a race condition on execution order.
Named pipes actually do have buffers, you might be thinking about unnamed pipes created by bash.
It does support multiple queues. The example you pasted shows how multiple queues work by giving unique queue locations in NQDIR.
It supports a single queue per directory. Unless you're using an ancient filesystem, you should be able to create more than enough queues to handle anything you need.
Hehe, my brain wanted to read "German" at first, and I was slightly confused for a moment.Thanks for the suggestion!
It's offtopic, but man pages should really adopt a new format (e.g. markdown) instead of roff.roff is a terrible way to write a document. Its format is ancient and not well documented. Its behavior is not consistent across different implementations. Worst of all, no proper i18n support. There's a tool like roff2html, but again it's pretty sketchy in terms of reliability and i18n support. I wrote my own converter when I was translating OpenBSD manpages [1], but I hope more people recognize this issue.
[1] https://github.com/euske/openssh-jman/blob/master/roff2html....
I really like cht.shcurl cht.sh/grep
> To the extent possible under law, Leah Neukirchen leah@vuxu.org has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.This seems a bit over the top, what is the advantage of giving up the rights to your work so slavishly?
It's not too uncommon.It happens to be a convenient way to ensure that things are mostly used in a personal context. Most lawyercats will steer clear of software under these terms, and use under such terms is typically disallowed in any megacorp.
I thought it was the opposite; there are some weird legal subtleties to placing things in the "public domain" in some parts of the world, so I thought people wrote statements like in the GP comment to avoid having to use that language at all, and share their code in the least encumbered way possible.I wonder whether there's a better way to express it. E.g. "if you see this code, I automatically grant to you a nonexclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free license to do whatever you want with it, including re-mixing it, re-distributing it under any license you want, or anything else you might think of." Or is this _worse_? Any lawyers in the room? :)
This is my understanding as well. IIRC, copyright attaches automatically upon creation, and there's no way to disclaim all intellectual property rights under the Berne Convention.I suppose one could theoretically release something anonymously, but that technically would just be a copyrighted work with an unknown author. As far as code goes, what's wrong with the MIT license? Although the WTFPL may have been a joke at first, it is substantially similar to your suggestion. It says, in full: DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE
Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim
or modified copies of this license document, and
changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed.
The WTFPL is recognized as a valid open source license: http://www.wtfpl.net/faq/
The WTFPL is "recognized" in the sense that several Linux distributions ship software released under it. I don't think it has been "recognized" in boring legal terms by any of the organisations that we normally trust to do such things (FSF or OSI). Apparently Bradley Kuhn of the FSF made an unofficial remark that it's a free software license (and I would agree), but clearly being a free license in spirit and philosophy is not the same as being recognized in a legal context. Have any of the paranoid companies like Google and Microsoft used WTFPL software for anything? I wouldn't recommend using WTFPL unless the point is specifically to make life harder for corporations (which I think is a totally valid thing to do).
> I wouldn't recommend using WTFPL unless the point is specifically to make life harder for corporations (which I think is a totally valid thing to do).The same effect seems to be obtained by using the AGPL. Funnily enough, the two licenses at the "extreme ends" of free software elicit exactly the same kind of corporate panic. I always hesitate between these two for my works.
Why's that? I thought megacorps would love software with no strings attached: at least, they seem to love MIT- and BSD-licensed codebases, which give up pretty much everything but attribution, if I understand correctly.Is it because it's unclear whether such a statement would really waive all copyright? Edit: that seems to be it; here are Google's views on the matter: https://opensource.google/docs/thirdparty/licenses/#unencumb...
I'd imagine it is a statement on the author's views on software copyright. Or perhaps they wanted to offer something to the world, no strings attached. I don't think the word slavishly applies here at all.
I put all the code (that I can) under CC0 because I would like to have zero strings attached to reusing it. “Public domain” feels nice.Also I don’t really believe in the concept of authorship, so I want to disavow it as much as possible.
How is this different from simply serializing your commands by putting them, in the desired order, in a batch script?
Because you can append commands at any point you like without worrying if previous commands have completed or not.
That requires you still have the original shell open that ran the earlier commands; nq doesn't appear to have that limitation.
Ok, that sheds light into the kind of workflow this might be useful in, like calling stuff from a launcher instead of a terminal or something like that and having them go through nq automatically. Personally, I would just keep the shell open, but options are cool.
You can use e.g. the "screen" utility to detach from a shell and later re-attach. I use this often: start something at work, detach, then go home, re-attach.You can have multiple sessions, give them names, etcetera.
I'm well aware of screen/tmux/dtach/&c.If you accidentally exit the shell with all the jobs, you are done adding jobs to the queue, no?
nohup detatches the process from the shell
...but doesn't queue jobs
I was thinking an advantage is that you can halt the queue, and/or the queue will pick up where it left off (on the next item in the queue) if power is cut. Not sure that this does that, though.
A quick read makes me think it does not do that. Instead when one process exits it looks for more queued job files.[edit] I suppose if you ran nq on boot, it would find the existing queued job files and you would only lose the one running job? Or maybe it would rerun the one that was in progress. Not sure.
It is not, but REPL is useful even if you can run script from file. It's like that.
You can also use `;` and `&` as well as redirections and job control in an interactive shell session.
No comparison with the venerable at(1) and batch(1)?
1. at runs jobs at a given time. batch runs jobs "when system load levels permit" [1]. nq runs jobs in sequence with no regard to the system's load average.2. at and batch have 52 built-in queues: a-z and A-Z. Any directory can be a queue for nq. 3. You can follow the output of an nq queue tail-style with fq. 4. The syntax is different. at and batch take whole scripts from the standard input or a file; nq takes a single command as its command line arguments. 5. nq doesn't rely on a daemon. It's an admirably simple design. Jobs are just flock()-ed output files in a directory. [1] See https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=at&sektion=1&n=1.
Gnu parallel is another great one
Ransoming grad students' data sounds like the least profitable venture on earth.
Looks pretty cool. I would love it if it weren't dependent on filesystem locking. Wondering about network locking now. If it's already forking a daemon, might as well store that lock data in memory and communicate it over a network socket. There's still the question of resolving the network service, but that's a flaw in the TCP/IP stack. I bet it could be solved by a simple wrapper command to a service resolver. Custom protocol syntax for locking per dir should be trivial. Heck, maybe move the network logic out to the wrapper, and have the locking be some other interaction between the wrapper and nq.
Yeah this is really cool, I especially like the idea of using it as a nohup alternative
GNU Make could be extended for in flight addition/removal of tasks. No reason to re-invent Make just for interactivity.
see also https://gitlab.com/mac3n/qrl
"simple serverless single-system sequential scheduler"
for the same tricknote that many shared filesystems ae not posix-compliant
I always find great stuff when I read @leahneukirchen's blog posts.
A month coding sure does save a morning in the library.
Maybe a public domain alternative to LSF/bsub?
Slurm is the go-to free software workload manager / task scheduler. It scales well from a single machine to the largest clusters in existence. Simple things are simple with it while you can also do complex things if you put in more effort.
I was just thinking there should be a tool like this. Thanks! I’ll check it out!
my simple jobqueue, if I need one waitfor() {
while pgrep $1 >/dev/null; do sleep 2; done && $*
If I may provide some feedback: Line 2:
while pgrep $1 >/dev/null; do sleep 2; done && $*
^-- SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.
^-- SC2048: Use "$@" (with quotes) to prevent whitespace problems.
Also, how do you pick the right job to wait for if several programs match $1? (E.g. if it's a bash script, $1 will be "bash", which on my system matches lots of things.)Also, a 2s sleep will slow things down if you want to use it for a whole lot of jobs. Also, this won't run your second command if the first command you wait for has already exited! Also, shouldn't $* be `shift; "$@"` or do you only ever queue jobs of the same command?
Just a simple one when needed. cp, downloader, etc. Nothing too complicated.