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Tag: linux
- the-binary Analysis
- GUIDE: Set up automated scrubs and SMART tests, with email notifications. : r/zfs
- Install msmtp for forwarding system emails on Debian - TechLabs
- msmtp - ArchWiki
- msmtp - about
- GitHub - yassinebenaid/bunster: Compile shell scripts to static binaries.
- GitHub - jgehrcke/timegaps: Accept or reject items based on age categorization (command line program, runs on Python 2/3, Unix, and Windows).
- RaiMan's SikuliX
- What's a good RDP Server on Linux? | Hacker News
- How to disconnect specific ssh client from ssh server in linux? - Ask Ubuntu
- – Being a good UNIX neighbour
- netstat - Docker: any way to list open sockets inside a running docker container? - Stack Overflow
- GitHub - Schneegans/Burn-My-Windows: 🔥 Disintegrate your windows with style.
- bmon Segmentation fault · Issue #42 · tgraf/bmon · GitHub
- Bash wildcards: the square brackets [ ] and the curly brackets { } |
- assert_not magic?
- How do you detach the 2nd screen from within another screen? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
- alexandermarston/vnstat-dashboard: A responsive web UI to view network traffic statistics provided by vnStat (with support for version 2.x)
- linux - Find out which process is writing into a specific directory - Server Fault
- google/gvisor: Application Kernel for Containers
- Nukesor/pueue: Manage your shell commands.
- GitHub - leahneukirchen/nq: Unix command line queue utility
- Nq – A simple Unix job queue system | Hacker News
- I Just Learnt About /dev/shm • Son Dang
- linux - How to make sure only one instance of a bash script runs? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
- linux - How to make sure only one instance of a bash script runs? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
- jaysoffian/eap_proxy: Proxy EAP packets between interfaces on Linux devices such as the Ubiquiti Networks EdgeRouter™ and UniFi® Security Gateway.
- RE: Read-Only Loopback to Physical Disk - Digital Forensic Science
- Creating and using squashed file systems
- Untitled note
- Building a Linux Gateway using Ubuntu Server 18.04
- bash - What does hash -r command do? - Ask Ubuntu
- oniony/TMSU: TMSU lets you tags your files and then access them through a nifty virtual filesystem from any other application.
- [How To] Fix The Google GPG Error on Ubuntu - OMG! Ubuntu!
- Understanding disk usage in Linux – Own your bits
- Install Ubuntu 18.04 desktop with RAID 1 and LVM on machine with UEFI BIOS
- Make disk/disk copy slower
- ChristopherSchultz/fast-file-count
- Does LVM eats my disk space or does df lie?
- Linux Creating a Partition Size Larger Than 2TB - nixCraft
- How can I resize an ext root partition at runtime?
- Determine if filesystem or partition is mounted RO or RW via Bash Script?
- marcan/
- NCurses Disk Usage
- vnStat - a network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD
- Use GNU find to show only the leaf directories
- Something you didn't know about functions in bash - good coders code, great coders reuse
- use dhcp on eth0 using command line
- Cilium 1.0: Bringing the BPF Revolution to Kubernetes Networking and Security — Cilium
- jessfraz/syzkaller
- SignalTrap - Greg's Wiki
- cxcv/iops
- Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet | pentestmonkey
- use dhcp on eth0 using command line
- BashFAQ/088 - Greg's Wiki
- Bash eternal history
- What is a bind mount?
- iproute2 cheat sheet
- Interesting commands for the Linux shell | Hacker News
- 30 interesting commands for the Linux shell – Víctor López Ferrando
- Linux Load Averages: Solving the Mystery
- HowTo: Linux Hard Disk Encryption With LUKS [ cryptsetup Command ]
- How do I detach a process from Terminal, entirely?
- Run Unix processes inside your browser | Hacker News
- How can I find my User ID (UID) from terminal?
- Reset the Password in Linux Bash in Windows
- musl libc
- LSCOLORS Generator
- touch /var/lock/subsys/local <<-- Why?
- 0xAX/linux-insides
- Get the current/default value of TCP initcwnd on Linux
- mempodippy/vlany
- How do I detach a process from Terminal, entirely?
- endrazine/wcc
- Protobuf cannot find shared libraries
- Redirect STDERR / STDOUT of a process AFTER it's been started, using command line?
- Linux I/O disk elevator | GnuToolBox
- How do I verify the speed of my NIC?
- Understanding and using sudo in Unix or Linux (with examples)
- How to capture ordered STDOUT/STDERR and add timestamp/prefixes?
- Linux: emergency reboot or shutdown with magic commands -
- Understanding and using sudo in Unix or Linux (with examples)
- Download elementary OS
- Linux Performance
- Getting a unique id from a unix-like system
- isaacs/Makefile
- dtrace_ruby_oscon_2007.pdf
- How to check how long a process has been running?
- Ubuntu Server 12.04 can access LAN but not internet
- python - Why I'm getting error when trying to install lxml in python2.7? - Stack Overflow
- apenwarr/sshuttle
- linux - Setting environment variable globally without restarting Ubuntu - Stack Overflow
- iptable port forward between two lan interface
- grsecurity
- Saving Iptables Firewall Rules Permanently - Thomas-Krenn-Wiki
- linux - Getting a unique id from a unix-like system - Stack Overflow
- Calling functions with xargs within a bash script - Stack Overflow
- Calling functions with xargs within a bash script - Stack Overflow
- linux - Quick-and-dirty way to ensure only one instance of a shell script is running at a time - Stack Overflow
- shebang - Why is #!/usr/bin/env bash superior to #!/bin/bash? - Stack Overflow
- Remove color codes (special characters) with sed |
- sh, resh, ksh, bash -- POSIX-compliant (Korn/Bourne-Again) shell and command interpreter
- When is a command line not a line?
- wordexp(3) - Linux man page
- GNU gettext utilities: envsubst Invocation
- repository - How can I get apt to use a mirror close to me, or choose a faster mirror? - Ask Ubuntu
- The port 0 trick | David North
- linux - Unzipping files that are flying in through a pipe - Server Fault
- Kali Linux | Rebirth of BackTrack, the Penetration Testing Distribution.
- BackTrack Linux - Penetration Testing Distribution
- S-T-D
- What are the main differences between BSD and GNU/Linux userland? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
- osx - How close are Mac OS X and BSD related? - Stack Overflow
- Kali Linux | Rebirth of BackTrack, the Penetration Testing Distribution.
- Tarsnap - The spiped secure pipe daemon
- linux - How can I get the comment of the current authorized_keys ssh key? - Super User
- logs - Can I find out which ssh key was used to access an account? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
- geeks|programmers — How to convert from/to epoch dates | Life..., and technology
- Why does the C preprocessor interpret the word "linux" as the constant "1"? - Stack Overflow
- HowTo: The Ultimate Logrotate Command Tutorial with 10 Examples
- How do you copy hidden files from one directory to another?
- Howto: Linux Add or Remove a Linux Kernel Modules / Drivers
- » Limiting LXC Memory Usage Matt Fischer's Blog
- Testing HAProxy reload - The NinjaSysadmin : The Ninja SysAdmin
- How ZFS continues to be better than btrfs â in English
- LXC â improved clone support | S3hh's Blog
- Linuxcon Barcelon 2012: LXC Best Practices
- How ZFS continues to be better than btrfs â in English
- The Ultimate Bash Array Tutorial with 15 Examples
- HAProxy Logging in Ubuntu Lucid - Kevin van Zonneveld
- Firewalls-local-port-redirection - Debian Wiki
- rinetd - a TCP port redirector
- IP Tables Primer