Tag: c
- BLAKE3 Design Specification - One function, fast everywhere
- BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3: the official Rust and C implementations of the BLAKE3 cryptographic hash function
- kkos/oniguruma
- postgres/postgres
- zserge/webview
- SWIG and Go
- jameysharp/corrode
- Optimizing Matrix Multiplication
- endrazine/wcc
- Python: get string representation of PyObject?
- PDF - software.intel.com
- concurrencykit/ck
- Concurrency Kit
- marcomaggi/cre2
- Functional C
- On elisp and programming in general: Lisp for C++ programmers
- resizing an array with C - Stack Overflow
- Why does the C preprocessor interpret the word "linux" as the constant "1"? - Stack Overflow